Chapter One

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"Momma,momma" Maya slightly opened her eyes to reveal her 2 year old bluish, greenish eyed daughter and smiled. "mommyyy, wake up. me wanna watch sqaure pants." Maya slowly got out the warmth her bed, picked up her daughter and walked into the living room to turn on Sponge Bob. Sara could talk pretty good for a 2 year old but thats what Maya always feared. She was always scared of the day she had to tell her daughter her father left her. Not only did he leave Maya and Sara.. he left Maya for her best fri- excuse me, ex best friend, Riley. See when all this happend they were in highschool and the three of them had been involved in a triangle. Once Lucas told Maya he choose her they did something that Maya would never take back and in result was a pregnancy. When Maya told Lucas about him being a father, he left Maya for Riley and they havent talked since.

"momma, you make me some cakes?" Maya smiled. She smiled at the thought of Lucas calling her "short stack of pancakes".
"of course, pancakes comin right up!" Sara smiled showing all her baby teeth, she loves her some "cakes" aka "pancakes".

     Once Maya finished feading Sara and herself , she layed Sara down for a knap while she took a shower. After Maya finished in the shower she threw on a robe and walked quietly into her room, going straight to her closet picking out a long ombre shirt that went from light blue to dark blue, black leggings and hightop converse. She quickly threw them on and ran into her daugters room to find clothes for her daughter as well. She picked out a pink shirt that said "i get it from my momma" on the front, a matching pink bow, leggings and some uggs. Since she had time to kill before Sara got up ,she got on her phone and opened up Facebook. She started scrolling through seeing picture of her mom and her step-dad Shawn. But then she kept scrolling and instantly regretting, she saw a picture of Riley wearing a ring with the caption "engaged to Lucas Frair". She instantly felt tears well up in her eyes. As much as she hated to admit it, Lucas had her heart.. she didn't really want it back.

   It hadn't been a while since Maya saw the Facebook post but Maya must've been crying loud because Sara came running in there. "mommy, what wong?"
Maya instantly looked at her daughter wiping the tears off her face and putting her daughter in her lap. "Nothing, okay, dont worry about it" Maya smiled.

     Maya dressed Sara and did her hair, half up half down with a bow, they were going to go to Farkle's house.

    *knock knock* Maya knocked on Farkle's door. "it's open!" he yelled. Maya picked up Sara and opened the door. Farkle had a little girl as well, Ava. Long story short he got this unknown girl pregnant from a one
night stand and she never told Farkle she got preganant, she just left the baby on his doorstep after birth. Farkle, obviously didnt think it was his child so he got a DNA test and.. he was the father. He dosent even remember who the girl was himself.

     Anyway, Ava had dark brown eyes and brown hair, she looked exactly like Farkle too. "Where's Ava?" Maya asks Farkle as she closes the door back. "In her room." Maya puts Sara down and she ran her short legs to Ava's room. "Soo.. have you went on Facebook recently?" Maya asks Farkle.
"no.. not recently, why?" Farkle said while cleaning up some of Ava's toys in the Living Room. " well, Riley and Lucas are engaged" She finally said, feeling the tears well up in her eyes.
     Farkle dropped Ava's toys. "are you serious?" he asked puzzled. "dead on." Maya said looking him in the eyes. "I dont understand Farkle" she said with a tear sliping down her cheek. He shot up and wrapped his arms around her, she cried in the crook of his neck. "He smashed and dashed me... he left me, all for Riley, why?"
"What did she have that I didnt?" "maybe its the other way around. What did I have that she didnt? I now had a child.. but it was his." Maya continued to ask questions and answer them herself, still hugging Farkle. "What am I suppost to do when she asks why she dosent have a daddy like all the other kids at school?Am I supost to just tell her, her father left her. I cant do that.."
"Maya, shhh, calm down" Farkle whispered in my ear. "everythings going to be okay, we can get through this together." he added.  She inhaled deeply and slowly pulled away from him. "Here I go again, being selfish.. I forgot, Ava dosent exatly have a mom either.."
"No Maya, how is anything you just said to me, selfish? Your worried about you little girl, so much that your trying to hide the love you have for him inside you... Maya I know you still love him." She breaks down again, tears spilling out of her eyes.
     Maya and Farkle feed the girls the dinner they made and its now 8:00 pm.  "I think me and Sara should get going, I have work in the morning and she has "school"."  Maya says putting Sara on her shoulder.
"Okay, Bye May" Farkle says as he gives Maya a hug. "and bye Sara" he adds smilling at her.
Maya grabs her keys and phone "bye Ava and Farkle, love yall"
     Maya walks out the house, closing the door on the way out. She puts Sara in her car seat and pulls out of the driveway. Once they finnaly get home she gets the mail out her mailbox, grabs the now asleep Sara and her phone and walks into her house. Taking the bow out of her daughters hair and changing her into pajamas she gets on Facebook again.
Relationship Status Updated: Lucas Friar Engaged to Riley Matthews, with the caption "ready to start a family". Maya slowly put Sara in her bed and walked into her room. She grabed her  stack of mail. "Rent, dont care" she said reading off the envelop and throwing it beside her bed. "electricty, kill me now" she threw this one too. "Invatation to Riley and Lucas's wedding, WHAT THE FUCK" Maya practically screamed.
A/N: New story, Ill try to make each chapter as long as possible , ENJOY.

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