Chapter Five

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    Farkle , Maya and the girls head to the airport and catch a plane back home. Once they all got home Maya was stressed. She didnt know why she thought going down there would somehow change his mind. She didnt understand what made Riley better than her. She couldnt process why he felt he could just walk into her daughters life like nothing happend.

Maya was at home with Sara in her lap watching sponge bob. But Maya couldnt take it anymore, she needed to get rid of the stress. A car ride would do the trick, she thought. She picked Sara up and said "you wanna go play with Ava?" Sara of course agreed, so Maya and Sara headed out the door.

Maya pulled into the driveway of Farkle's house. She got Sara out and walked in, not even caring to knock. Sara soon jumped out her moms arms and ran into Ava's room. "Farkle?!" Maya shouted.
"yes, Maya?" Farkle said heading out the kitchen.
"I need to clear my mind, is it alright if I leave Sara with you, for a few hours?"
"of course may" he smiled "just be careful" he added.
"always." Maya said before she ran and gave Sara a kiss on the cheek.

Maya was now driving on the dark road twidding her thumbs as she drove. She heard her favorite song since 2011 come on and she automatically turned the radio up and sang along.
"you made me insecure, to me I wasen't good enough. But who are you to judge, when your a diamond in the rough. Im sure you've got some things you'd like to change about yourself. But when it comes to me , I wouldn't want to be anybody else."
She sang as she got on a highway, having no idea where she was going.
"you've got every right to a beautiful life,come on. who says, who says your not perfect? who says your not worth it?"
by this time Maya was balling, all her emotions were just spilling out like a stream, and the song wasen't helping.
"who says your the only one thats hurting?"
In just a flash before Maya's blurry eyes, came towards her, bright headlights. Everything went black.

It was around 11:00 and Maya still haden't came back for Sara. Farkle was getting worried. He called her 20 times in exact and she didnt answer. He walked into his daughters room to see his daughter and Sara sound asleep with their dolls in the hands on the floor. He slowly took the dolls out their hands and picked them up, softly placing them on the bed.
"night girls." he said as he kissed their foreheads smiling. He walked out the room, slowly closing the door. Walking into his room he turned on the news.
"There was a terrible accident on highway 86. A drunk driver driving in the wrong side of the highway. The description of the girl: Blonde hair, blue eyes and around the age of 16-19. She is located at the Gracie Square Hospital."
Tears started steaming out of his eyes. He was blamming himself. "i should'nt of let her leave the house" he thought.
He quickly dialed Riley's phone number for some odd reason.
"hello? Farkle what is it,you know im on my honeymoon with Lucas."
obviously yall werent doing anything too interesting, considering you answered the phone, He thought.
"Maya was in a car accident."
"ha, funny.. A WHAT?"
"she was in a car accident" Farkle said crying even harder now.
"h-how do you know?"
"Maya went out for a drive and hasent came back, then on the news it talked about a girl being in a bad accident, the description was blonde eyes blue hair."
"m-maybe it wasent her.. theres more than one blue eyed blonde in new york."
"Come'on Riley dont be a fool, its her, i know it is"
"whats going on?" Farkle heard Lucas say in the back.
"here, Farkle, tell him."
"hello?" Lucas said grabing Riley's phone.
"Maya was in a bad car accident"
"you heard me.."
one of the last things i called her.. was a bitch Lucas thought, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Farkle send me a private jet. Im coming up there now."

chapter is unedited and im not a pro at writing
sorry for the short chapter
vote and comment pls
love you guys💗

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2017 ⏰

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