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10:12 AM 10/4/59

Lance feels drained. He has bags under his eyes from staying up all night creating,Keith.


Lance began to remember Keith's eyes. They look so beautiful like a thousand shining stars in a small globe. Lance is lost in thought of,Keith.

Lance is walking calmly to Keith's room and opened it. He sees a group gathered around,Keith,"Lance you finally did it!!!" Hunk yelled with pride then giving,Lance,a bone crushing hug,"Congrats,Lance." Shiro said with a smile,"Yeah. It looks great." Pidge complimented,"Thanks guys." Lance,managed to croak a sentence out with,Hunk,hugging him like a trash compactor. Hunk finally lets go of,Lance,"Okay,guys,thanks for the compliments,but I need to run some tests on,Keith,so if you can excuse me I'll be doing my business." He announced to everyone in the room.

After everyone left,Lance,turned on the automatic chargers to let go of,Keith,"Hey,bud! Rise 'n shine!" Lance said with excitement,he really wanted to test on what,Keith,is capable of,"Morning." Is what Keith says after getting off of the bench,"Okay,Keith,today we are doing some tests on you,okay?" Lance wanted to make sue,Keith was okay with this,but like before,there's no response.

After doing all the tests,Lance,got a boring experience with,Keith,he always looks so...emotionless. Lance walked to,Keith to see his batteries low or not,but he tripped toppling over,Keith.

Lance groaned in pain and opened his eyes to see,Keith,under him with those eyes...and his lips that look so soft.

Keith feels something different he cant describe it,but he knows it's a feeling. Keith notices things about,Lance,that he never even had the thought of. His gorgeous skin,the eyes that held a river of passion,and his voice that sounded like a sweet melody. He can't identify this feeling.

Lance suddenly went straight up and backed away,he began to stumble on his words on how "accidental" that was,but Keith stayed on the floor confused of what all these sensations are,he can't find an answer to it,"Uh,Keith?" Lance said in concern he didn't want Keith to feel uncomfortable,"Y-yeah." Keith had a slight blush on his face,Lance,noticed and blushed a deeper color.

He started to stutter on his words again until,Keith,spoke,"what was that feeling?" Lance is confused,"What do you mean?" Lance asked,"W-when you fell on me,I got this unknown feeling." Lance realized that,Keith,is developing emotions.

"Is this a problem?" Keith's voice quivered in fear,"N-no! It's normal. I think." Lance didn't know this was a possibility,"Lance you must shut me down." Keith said out of the blue,"W-what? No I'm not doing that." Lance disagreed.

He wanted,Keith to have feelings,he wanted,Keith to experience the world like a human,"But I have feelings;therefore,I must be shut down." Keith's voice became firm,"No. I want you to see the world like a human. I want you to live the world like a human." Lance paused for a few seconds,"That's why I'm bringing you home."Lance loved,Keith,he wanted to see Keith bloom as a robot learning to become human. He wants to share his life with him.

Keith felt a strong emotion,love.


I know this is a little crappy and sped up.Remember I take requests!!!

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