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Sy pilih gmbr dri MV BOOMBAYAH:

Sy pilih gmbr dri MV BOOMBAYAH:

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Ni hasil lukisan sy:

Ni hasil lukisan sy:

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Sy suke style dia. (・∀・)

Suara dia pun mcm kasar bkn kasar cam namja tpi serak basah yg sedap. ^_^

Rap dia mmg best dgr~ CLICK CLACK BADABING KEDEBUK! (≧▽≦)

Sy bru jinak2 dgn BLACKPINK, jdi sy xtau nk ckp byk psl BLACKPINK.. (^_^;)

Klau album diaorang release, sy nk beli!!!! (*´ڡ'●)

Mesti cantik!! ❤(ӦvӦ。)


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