Starting of the War

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Ivan watched witches practice there magic. Getting stronger and more powerful. Everyone was ready, Ivan nodded as he rummaged in his pocket and pulled out two clear bottles. He furrowed turning over the tag on the bottles. One read 'Ten minutes.' The other read 'Ten hours.' He gasped and looked to the direction of Zoro and Sanji.

"Oh no." He muttered.

Sanji sat up an rubbed his eyes Zoro's arm fell to his lap. He crept out from under his grip and got dressed. He noticed the fog around the forest and headed out to town to grab a bite to eat. But the fog just kept getting thicker and thicker. Sanji coughed wafting away the fog until he came to a clearing. He noticed he was dragged up a hill to a cliff. There was a shuffling in the bushes, Sanji tried to light his fist. But his power wouldn't come.

"Come on, it's been longer then ten minutes." Sanji said.

Sanji noticed a silhouette in the fog. He stepped back as he took a step forward. Smoker stepped through having Sanji stagger back.

"What's wrong black flame?" Smoker chuckled, "You going to fight, or come quietly."

Smoker had Sanji pinned to the cliff, and still narrowing in. Just a few steps back and he would fall. Smoker pulled out his cuffs as Sanji took the last step. His foot almost slipping off the edge. The smoke rolled beneath there feet and crawled up Sanji's body. Before it got to his neck Sanji took a breathe.

"Zoro!" Sanji called.

Zoro's ear flicked up he sat up looking around, "Sanji?"


He perked up another way, he staggered up listening.


He turned behind him, as each time his name was called out. It was always in a different direction and he couldn't tell which was actually Sanji's voice. Zoro growled to the mocking Jay's that sat in the tree's around him. Crying out his name as Sanji would. There was a small glint having him turn to his ring. He smirked and rubbed his thumb over the ring. A small thin like string lead a path. He dressed himself in at least his pants before he left.

"I"m coming, hang in there." Zoro said.

Zoro took off following the string leading him around the forest. The smoke that surrounded them was gone and when Zoro got to where Sanji was last seen. Zoro stood on the cliff looking around.

"Sanji?" Zoro called.

His ring lied in the grass, that sure looked beaten and tossed up. Zoro sighed as he picked up the ring. Marco fluttered down onto his shoulder. Zoro turned to him, beating his tail on the grass and his ears pressed back on his head.

"Smoker took him, he's on his way back to Gold Quarter." Marco said, "Once the sky ship returns, they will help us in fighting off Gold Quarter. We would have more fighters with us."

Zoro stared at the ring before he put it in his pocket.

"Alright, I can wait until then. But the night they arrive. We will start our war." Zoro said.

"Couldn't of said it better myself."

"Were's Ace?"


Ace snuck around following Smoker and Sanji. He tilted up his hat as Sanji struggled in the cuffs. Smoker dragged him out of paradise as Ace followed behind. Where outside sat a cage. Sanji was pushed into it and slammed the door shut. Ace watched as a large pheasant flew down and scooped Sanji away. Smoker turned to the rock Ace hid behind before he shrugged and turned away. Ace poked up when he noticed a panther man poke out.

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