Chapter 12. The Truth (part two).

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: HI. I've missed updating this story. So! A belated Merry Christmas to all you wonderful souls inhabiting this planet :) I hope yours was great!

Basically, this is the chapter you've all been asking for. So yep, that's about it. Sorry it took so long, I'd been on holiday and it ended up being extended a few days longer. Which I'm definitely not complaining about ;)
I hope you enjoy this chapter, where the mystery of Ariana Belle is finally explained! :')



"It's Gallifreyan."


"The writing of my people, the Timelords," the Doctor breathes, his voice low as he takes another step closer to Ariana, "The symbols above your bed is the ancient language of Gallifrey."

"So... y-you can read it?" Ariana speaks just above a whisper.

"Yes, I can read it."

She holds her breath, "What does it say?"

The Doctor pauses and gathers the strength to speak again. His eyes are ablaze with something neither she nor Amy or Rory have ever seen before.

"It says..." he gulps.

"What is it, Doctor?" Amy whispers impatiently, eyes wide and stance frozen just like the rest of them.

"It says my name."

~ ~ ~

~Matt's P.O.V~

Ariana slowly begins to back away from me. One step, two steps, three, four...
Her eyes barely blink as she tries to take in what I have just said. The dark eyelashes flicker, not closing all the way.
I see the moment when she starts to breathe again, shoulders rising suddenly with the sharp intake of air, followed by a rising and falling movement of her chest as she tries to catch her breath.

"Your... your name?" Ariana breathes, her pitch higher than normal as her widened eyes search my face for understanding.

I press my lips together and stand as still as possible, my own hearts racing at the reality of who she is.
The Gallifreyan on the wall above her bed is all the confirmation I need and more.

"Why is your name written on my wall?" Ariana whisper-yells to me, incredulity and disbelief turning slowly to frustration and self-defence.

I watch her cautiously, reading her emotions by her body language. I need to keep a short distance away for now, it seems...

"Ariana," I caution, my hands raised slightly in front of my chest just in case she decides to run at me - wouldn't put it past her.
"Will you allow me to explain without reacting before I've finished?"

The blonde's eyes frantically flicker between my own and she catches herself rising in panic, consciously making the effort to calm herself down.She lets out a slow breath and nods her head, watching me carefully as I move towards her.

"Perhaps if we sit down for this..." I mumble halfheartedly, stalling to give myself time.

I sit Ariana down on the edge of her bed, Amy and Rory having taken the initiative to lower themselves slowly onto the couch against the wall behind them. I give them a small nod, telling them to stay quiet and let me talk this through without interruptions, and I know they understand as Rory nods back and Amy purses her lips.

Sitting down beside Ariana, I put a small amount of distance between us again. I don't want to be hit, though I have the feeling it'll soon be inevitable.

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