lets go crazy

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Every time I speak they silence me, they call me crazy when that is not true. No matter what I do they they force those sedatives  in my system to"calm" me. Okay I'm getting ahead of myself my name is Tanya and this is my life get up, eat pills, sit on couch, eat more pill laced food, go to bed. that is all I do all I will ever do the doctor says that I will never get better but that is a lie. The "normal"  people just want me here so I can't rat them out to the public. The doctor says I have been her for three years, but I've counted I have counted the days by the sun rises and its  has been longer...much longer. I have an appointment to see the man and i hope that i can tel him off. I get to bring a friend today his name is Sully. He has been the nicest person in this hell hole and maybe he can get the doctor to let me feel the sun against my skin for the first time.

 Hello Tanya how are you doing today? How long has it been three months since our last visit.

Yeah doc it has and today I decided to bring Sully 

Okay I will talk to him after I talk to you deal.


So lets begin have you been feeling angry or mistrusting anytime in the last month? Remember I have read your nurses report so no lying.

Well would you look at that the doc knows everything . What the god dam point of me telling you how I fucking feel if  you have already seen the dam thing, whats next doc your gong to tell me that you know that I have assaulted people in here. TELL ME THE GOD DAM POINT OF THIS FUCKING MEETING!

*sigh* I have told you the point of it before the point is to see it from your point of view. I'll take your angry out burst as a you have. Have you tried to skip any meds due to not wanting to get better?  

Well I have tried to tell your idiots of nurses that I don't need them anymore but to they listen no because "doctors orders" to be medicated so i sleep all god dam day. Do you know how frustrating it is to wake up just to be put back asleep. NO because you get to go home and do what you want while a lot of us are forced to be here waking up just to be put to sleep.Anyway sully say I do pretty good without them.

Look Tanya you really do need those meds and I'm sorry that they make you tired please try to take them more often. You know once that you get them in your system they'll balance out. ON the assault of one of the nurses can you please tell me what went down in your point of view?  

Yeah I can. The nurse was pouring out the fucking sedatives and sully was walking over to me and saw that she was giving out to much and told me the truth. I asked him what to do since i don't feel like dying anytime soon so he told me to defend myself and he would dump the meds out where she can't give them to me. when she come over I grabbed the nearest thing and stabbed her with it. When she wailed out in pain and backed sully tripped her and dumped  the meds in her eyes. I fucking loved it. 

 You do know that nurse died right.

IN place of me in dam proud of sully and I work. I just wanna say this i cant wait to her mourning family come get her things so i can tell them that she was a monster and i saved many other peoples lives.

Can I speak to sully now so I get his point of view? I just want to get all sides of the story.

yeah you can he is just iching to tell you all about it. He even want to tell you other stories of your shitty Establishment and things.

Hello Sully how are you?

Terrible doctor just terrible, and yes you do know why. You want my view fine you got it. As i was heading to my bestial friend in the whole place I notice that the nurse has a vile of red sedatives and she was pouring out to much. I thought okay maybe they just want her to sleep better. when i got closer I her her say and i quote" god i hope this puts her out of her misery that dam wild beast needs to be rid of."  She was planning on killing her that night so i just had to get rid of the thing causing my friend harm so I told her to stab her in the arm with the dirty needle- those nurses are stupid really just leaving good weapons out where we can get them- well anyway back to topic when she did to the nurse fell backwards and I shoved another one in her chest. I feel like that was one of our best ones yet.

Sully she wasn't talking about Tanya she was talking about you?

What the hell do you mean me. I know good and well she was talking a bout Tanya. i am not a bad influence. 

Good bye Sully and tell Tanya that its time to eat.

Tanya Richards 19 has been here since 2013 she started develop schizophrenia two years prior. Due to the recent attack on nurse Sydney Abram that has since canceled her work here. What actually happen was that Sydney accidentally over filled the syringe while talking on the phone about the rabid dog that attacked her in the lot. Tanya must of thought it was about her and flipped out and attacked her in self defense. Tanya is showing  no signs of improvement and meds will be increased to try to calm her.  Her projected leaving time is in 7 years if she starts to improve in anytime next meeting

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