chapter s i x

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+ p.j.m +


I hadn't even realised someone had walked in, I was too busy crying my eyes out. Yet again over jeon jungkook. It must have been the third time this week I'd found him kissing some girl. Was he bothered about hiding it from me? Did he not care?

"Hi?" I answer back sniffling. I'm not really sure what to say in this situation.

"Are you okay in there?"

"Not really." I sigh.

"Sorry I guess that was a stupid question," he chuckles. He has nice laugh it's kind of comforting. "So are you gonna come out?"

"Ah I don't know, " what if I know him and he tells everyone I was crying like a baby, it'd be so embarrassing.

"Maybe I could help you?

"Alright," no point in hiding in here forever I guess.

I unlock the stall and step out. Maybe this was a bad idea, I look like such a mess he probably thinks I'm so ugly.

I look up to see a blonde haired boy staring at me. He looks so concerned, why does he care?

He's shorter than I expected, not like he was really tiny - i mean he was still taller than me, but his voice was so deep. He's confusing.

He actually looks familiar, but I don't remember why.

"So do you wanna tell me why you're so upset?" He asks

"It's my boyfriend," I don't know how much to tell him, how much would he even want to know. "He just makes me so upset sometimes you know?"
I decided against telling him what I just saw.

"No one should be making you cry in bathroom, especially not your boyfriend."

He's right, but I already knew that.

"Hey you look familiar, did we have some classes together last year?" I try to change the subject.

"Yeah I think so" he looks down. Now he's the one who looks embarrassed.

And then I realised who he was
"Weren't you the guy who gave me that cute pencil to borrow in maths?"

"Yeah that would be me."
He laughed awkwardly.

"I thought i remembered you, oh well thanks for the pencil I guess.

We were in a few classes together right? But I don't think I've seen you in any of mine this year."

He mumbles, looking away from me during the whole conversation.

Is he okay? He looks pretty uncomfortable, but I do remember him being all stuttery last year, so maybe he's just an awkward person in general. But I guess he can't be more embarrassed then I'm feeling right now. I hope he doesn't tell anyone else about this, if everyone found out I was a crybaby I'd never live it down.

"So this is kind of embarrassing for me, and I'd really appreciate it if you maybe didn't tell anyone about this."

"Oh no, don't worry I'd never tell anyone."
He stammered out.

I chuckled, he's kind of funny when he acts all worried. He reminds me of how I used to be, back when I first met Jungkook. The smallest thing he did could send me into a stuttering mess. But i guess it's just not like that anymore.

"So it's Yoongi right? I'm Park Jimin."

"Yep, Min Yoongi."

"Well it's nice to meet you, again, min yoongi. Even if it's because I was just crying in a toilet stall. But I'm actually getting tired of standing in the school toilets. It really stinks in here. Do you want to maybe want to go talk somewhere else?"

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea," he laughs "how about the field?"

"Come on lets go before a teacher checks in here," I say taking his arm and pulling him out of toilets.

Min yoongi seems cute. I like him.


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