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There is that huge gate after the Royal Divan-e-Humayun. Two guards guard that door from outside and two from inside with a small hallway between another hall and the gate where Pasha's and Chamberlain wait for the Sultan to arrive for everyday Divan discussions. A Takht/throne has been placed right infront of that huge gate on a large red carpet! Every Pasha is on the left side in a row, and other important Pasha's who have their duties far from the capital! And then with a gap of 10 persons right infront there are the huge population of Yeniçeri's/Janissaries and alongside with them with a small gap there are the huge amount of Sipahi's/Soldiers. The previous Sultan Hemza han's dead body in a Coffin is placed on a big elongated marble table which is more visible from near the Takht!


"Where is our mother?" Asked Sultana Rabiya. "She must be arriving here! Look the gates are opening down there!" Said Hurijihan Sultana. "Where? They are not!" Said Rabiya Sultana. "Allah!! Rabiya I am talking about where we are  right now!" Annoyed Hurijihan Sultana.
They were at the Tower Of Justice!

"Kader Sultan Hazretleri!"

"Finally! She has arrived!!" Rabiya Sultan turned towards to door in excitement and rushed into Kader Sultan and hugged her! "Mother!!" Smiled Hurijihan Sultan and came forward and hugged her!
"My beautiful daughters! Part of my life!" Smiled Kader Sultan and gave kisses on their foreheads.
"Now come! Your blessed brother will be arriving by now!" Said Kader Sultan.

The Beautiful Kader Sultan had worn a beautiful rich golden gown with hanging sleeves! She was wearing a vest called Donalma! And the same crown which had many pearls diamonds on it and beautiful diamond jewellery!

Rabiya Sultan was wearing a beautiful white Caftan with patches of light brown cloth with silver embroidery on it! With a elegant flowery crown with a beautiful jewellery!

Hurijihan Sultan was wearing a purple caftan with golden emroidery and pearls on the hanging sleeves folded at the end and a beautiful golden crown with diamond jewellery!

The weather was cold and the sky was filled with clouds. Sparrows were singing there songs in the trees and the scene was quite!

A voice echoed everywhere around every corner!
"Sultan Orhan Hazretleri!"
Shehzade Orhan who was now a Sultan came out from the huge gate and
Everyone bowed infront of him while Sultan Orhan came with an independent look and sat on his Takht with a admirable attitude and every Pasha came and bowed and kissed the end of his clothes and got back to their positions and then Sultan Orhan noticed his father's coffin and stood up and said "I, Sultan Orhan han! On this happy day I won't spill anyones blood! Having no intention for the takht I ascended it! Allah blessed me! Allah blessed us with a new Sultan! I will not hesitate to do any good for this Empire!".

"Long live the king! Long live the king!" . "Long live the king!"

"Its true that Allah blessed us but he took a part of me on the other hand too!" Saddened Kader Sultan. "Mother! Please don't think like that!" Said Rabiya Sultan. "Yes! We have mourned alot and honestly I don't think we should mourn now! This is only for three days and we are doing it for months I don't feel hurt now!" Said Hurijihan Sultan and turned towards the door and left. "You know her! Mother! Stop worrying about everything your son has ascended! You should celebrate!" Smiled Rabiya Sultan holding her hand.
Kader Sultan smiled at her and called Bulbul Agha and ordered to arrange a dance party for Sultan Orhan in which his favourites would entertain him.


Meanwhile in the colonies and different towns outside the palace are having an announcement of Sultan Orhan that he has ascended the throne and his speech has impressed everyone and they expect great from him now!


"Hey! Hey!! Call Evcan Hatun! Immediately!"

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