The Nightmare

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Later that night mangle has a bad dream...

Mangle woke up crying silently at the nightmare she had of foxy dying while trying to save her from  the fire instead of getting out with only a few burn marks

(But it wasn't silent enough to keep foxy from waking up)

Foxy woke up to find the tears going down mangles face and quickly asks her why she's crying.and she answered honestly telling him about the nightmare she had.foxy tried to comfort her once she stopped crying she hugged foxy and asked him to say who's your little snow fox ?(in a smooth and little bit seductive tone) 👄😽👅 and after that she kisses his neck.

Now foxy is a bit stunned (almost autocorrected to stoned 😜)and then mangle snuggles up underneath his arm and then he wraps it over her shoulders (for her to use as a pillow kinda)

Wow you are so random sometimes mangle he grins a lil bit while saying.

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