A tiered start

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"N...no." She moaned out in her sleep, tail thrashing about. She kicked and thrashed around throwing the blanket onto the floor. Her eyes snapped open widely as she could feel her fur matted down in a cold sweat.

"Damnit." She spoke aloud as she looked at the glowing red numbers on the alarm clock.

"5:40..." Her body fell back against the bed as she stared at the lavender tint of the roof. She could feel her body shivering yet she could not figure out why that was. She slowly climb out off bed and walked to the glass balconey doors across the room. The early morning light shinning through the tanktop that acted as the only thing covering her frame. her eyes locked onto the horizon where the trees stood against the faded blue of the early morning sky. Her ears twitched slightly to the sound off her bed room door opening, but she brushed it off knowing it was Shadow or Silver checking in on her.

"What are you doing?" A tired voice called out, the tone was deep yet some how soothing.

"Can't sleep." She sounded as if she was complaining about some thing.

"Why is that?" He questioned rubbing his eyes as though he had just waken up.

"I need a bigger pillow." She said with a smirk on her face, but Shadow couldn't tell from where he stood. But Shadow had already known thanks to silver. Blaze had liked using hedgehogs for pillows, saying things like they were soft and comfortable.

"And I do beleive it's your turn Shadow." She spoke softly as she turned to him and moved towards her bed. He let out a lazy sigh as he did the same, only reaching the bed before she did. He laid on his back looking up a the ceiling until he felt the bed shift with the new weight. His eyes were closed but he could still tell she was smiling as she laid her head on her chest. She was listening to the rhythm of his heart beat as it clashed with his slow calm breathing. The cool fall air blew through the balcony doors, chilling the room and dancing its way through their fur. This was how blaze gets to sleep every morning, until now.

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