P.E: Tournament training Shadow vs Knuckles

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She hadn't realized until she reached the gymnasium, but she had for gotten him as if his presence had dissapered. The late bell rung strongly just as Shadow made his way into the gym, instantly his mood was unreadable. This only constantly happend when he was upset about something.

"Ok so this class falls under physical education but its a G.U.N hand to hand training class." A large burly black and grey wolf stood infront of the class, but behind him there was a large mat placed in the center of the room.

"A class tournament!" At this Sonic, Shadow, and Knuckles all perked up as if the hadn't been listening at all. There were a few other guys who sounded excited to be able to spar with actual G.U.N member.

"Before that I would like to offical G.U.N members to step up as an example. In a flash Shadow appeared infront of the grey fox quickly followed by knuckles.

"Perfect!" He seemed happy it was the two of them in particular. They both moved to the mat leaving distance between them. Knuckles had been waiting for this moment so he could finally defeat Shadow the only G.U.N member he hasn't beaten yet. Shadow on the other hand just needed a challenge to use as a punching bag. They both lowered into fighting stances waiting for the signal to begin.

"Begin!" On that mark they both disappeared from sight for a split second until they clashed dead center of the mat fist to fist. They froze pushing against each other until the both finally jumped back and tried again just barely slow enough for their movements to be followed. This time Knuckles went for a straight right only for it to be side stepped and countered with a quick high kick. Just barely being missed Knuckles ducked the high kick and stepped in to throw his left at Shadows chest. He had happen to notice I smirk on Shadows face before he could leap back out of range Shadow made a full spin slamming the heel of his other foot into Knuckles ribcage sending him skittering across the mat with massive force. Knuckles managed to flip back to his feet and take a defensive stance. The second he got his defense up he was bombarded by attacks from a chasing Shadow. In one swift movement Knuckles countered with a full powered punch to Shadows chest sending him back a feet, this was his only opening. He disappeared from sight only to reappear above Shadow coming down with in axe kick. I a swift motion Shadow leapt into the air countering with a kick of his own, they both were thrown back to diffrent sides of the mat where they stood out of breath.

"That's enough for now thank you." Their teacher was very amazed even though he tried to hide it, and students couldn't beleive what they had just witnessed.

"There's no way we survive a fight like!" Students started chatting about how great the fight was and how they couldn't compare. As they spoke they all shifted over towards Knuckles who stood smirking at Shadow who gave a smirk of approval in return. Shadow pretended not to notice but the others did, again everyone seperated from him leaveing him by himself. Blaze opened her mouth to speak out but was over powered by the bell and students began to scatter for lunch. Before she could locate him Shadow had disappeared with out a trace.

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