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"AYO GIGI" I screamed I just got to school and I wanna confront Gigi to see if she was actually torturing harry.

"Yes zaynie" she said making me cringe I fucking hate that name .

"I have a question for you" I asked she nodded her head yes as telling me to continue.

"You know who harry is?" She nodded her head yes.

"You know he's gay?" She nodded again but with a cringe to her face which kind of ticked me off.

"Do you mess with him?" I asked she raised her eyebrow before speaking.

"What do you mean mess with him?" She asked dumbly.

"Gigi you know what I fucking mean do you tease him or make him hurt in any type of way" I spat which caused her to jump slightly.

"Duhh I mean come on he's a fucking twink and he's ugly as fuck. Besides why are you defending that loser anyway he has no friends" she laughed with Kendall and Kylie.

"Listen here gigi Im your best guy friend and I'm not gonna let you disrespect harry like that because your fucking jealous. I see the way y'all look at his ass I thought it was just because you guys liked it or some shit but now I see that you guys are just a bunch of jealous cunts if I ever see one of y'all touch.....nah fuck that BITCH breath by him I will get my sister to fuck all you up kapeesh" I growled out. They all looked stunned then wore a smirk on their face.

"Which sister" 'did this bitch hear anything I said' I thought

"Zendaya and wahliyah and you know they will beat your ass gigi they already don't like your fish smelling pussy anyway" I said and turned away walking listening to them gasp and screech.

I was halfway down the hallway until I got pulled into a classroom with a pair of lips connecting to mine.

And before I can even react I opened my eyes to see that it was harry. He pulled away quickly and gasped lightly.

"Oh-oh my gosh I'm sorry I was just oh my gosh don't hurt me" he whispered with teary eyes backing up making me come forward.

"It's okay love I enjoyed even though I didn't get to react to to it" I chuckled.

He giggled cutely sniffling and wiping his teary eyes making me coo at him he was so cute.

" umm listen harry I'm really sorry of what I said through texts I was really mad because I knew gigi my whole and I just- you know what I mean but like i-im really sorry" I stumbled out.

Harry came forward and developed me in a hug.

"I forgive you" he said kissing my cheek.

"You're gonna unblock me right"

"Hmm..I don't know should I" he joked putting his hand on his chin.

"Cmon harold"I said laughing

"Seriously kill yourself that's not my name you ass" he said throwing a paper at me I just know noticed we are in the art room.

"But seriously harry will you?"

"Somethings shall remain a secret"he said walking out the classroom swaying his hips that seems to be widening and I love it.

Secrets ||Zarry|| textingWhere stories live. Discover now