The Key To Confidence | Chapter One

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Oh, the dance. I didn't dare even talk about it at school to Moon. She'd ask me who I was going with. And I'd always usually answer,  Nobody. She didn't even know about my crush on Jared. I didn't really know why she liked a fuckboy like Jack. It was a classic bad boy name. The ones who breaks a girls heart. Moon believed she could change Jack.

"Moon you're crazy, it's not possible."

She seemed to glare at me. I shrug. She sighs. I run a hand through my hair and I sigh.
"If you believe it's possible to fine. But, don't come crying to me if he breaks your heart."
She laughed. Which seemed so fake... Sometimes I wonder if she ever was my friend. But, she's a good kid.

"Such a great friend." I tug a fake smile onto my face. And I let out a chuckle.

"Yeah," I reply. She seemed to look at Jack in a loving way, as he passed by. She also was ignoring me.

I rolled my eyes. "Really?" She blushed. Then she glared and frowned angrily. She seethed with anger for a second then sighed. She rolled her eyes and walked away. She put on her earbuds as she walked. I roll my eyes and I turn around and accidentally bump into Jared.

"Oh, sorry. Again." I shyly looked up into his eyes. They seemed to be a piercing bright blue-green. But his hair was black. I found it surprisingly cute how his eyes were that color. He seemed to smile. "It's no problem really. I'm used to it." I didn't really know what he meant. I frown and he shrugged. "See you later Sky." I nod. "See you later Jar." And he walked off.

What could have he meant by that? He was used to it. Wonder what that could mean. I look outside, it seemed to be raining. I smile and I walk to the doors. I open them and walked outside. I feel a pair of eyes looking at me. I look behind me. It was Jack. I let go of the door and I walked as quickly as I could. I hear the door open and someone trips me as I looked behind me. And I fell to my hands and knees. As I brought my hands off of the ground, I felt a stinging pain in my hands. I look at my hands then I looked at the person who tripped me, it turned out to be Nathan. I tried to stand up, but my wrists felt like they were twisted. I shakily try to stand, but he pushed me back down.
"Don't you think about going anywhere." He growls.

"Sorry, I don't stay with people who growl. And plus, I need to get home." Nathan then slapped me. I rub my face and I also see Jared walk out of the school. His brother following suit, but a quite a bit away from Jared. Jack snapped his fingers at Nathan, and Nathan walked up to Jack. Jared snuck over to me and helped me up. I sigh. "Thanks, Jared." He shrugged. "No problem Sky. But, We should get going it's starting to rain a bit harder now." We started to walk. Jack and Nathan didn't seem to follow. They seemed too busy talking to notice. "Don't worry about them. Even though they might be plotting against us." We laugh. He seemed to be wearing a black hoodie, with My Chemical Romance printed on it. "I really like your hoodie, hot topic I suppose?" He smiles. "Yeah." I nod. "I have been looking everywhere for a hoodie like that. You should let me wear it sometime." He chuckles. "Yeah, sometime." Something seemed off about Jared today. He seemed to keep his head down more than usual.

"Something wrong Jared?" He looked me in the eyes, then looked away. He shook his head. "Not really, I'm fine." I sigh. "If you say so.." I had a feeling he was lying. But, I really paid no mind to it. I felt like he wanted me to ask him what was wrong. Or even, tell him he was lying. But I want to be the girl who knows his flaws. And he'll surely figure out mine. I guess it could be a win-win situation.

But then again, nobody actually wins in real life. Yeah, you can win video games. And games like baseball, soccer, football. But, I have no real interest in any sport. And that has nothing to do with this conversation. Awesome.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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