Just Hang Loose

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"Okay, you need to watch where you're going." I hear in the hallways, who could that be? Oh yeah, the popular, no good Alison.

She's really pushy and she has these two boys that follow her around all day. They're both nerds, and there names are Dustin and Harry. Neither of them should be treated like that. Dustin was actually a really cute nerd to be honest, but he's to busy up Alison's ass to notice anyone.

Harry's way to quiet and he doesnt talk to anyone. No one notices but I can tell he self harms. I've never seen them for myself but if you just look right into his eyes, you can see the depession he suffers. The jocks don't make it any better. They usually push him or drop his books sometimes they shove him in lockers. Once, he was stuck in my locker and that's how me and the nerd became somewhat friends.

"Well, are you going to get out of the doorway so I can get to class?" Alison says to me.

"Up yours Alison." I say and walk into the class and sit down. I hear many "ohhhs" In the classroom behind me and that makes me feel more conifent actually.

"Haha, nice one Bailey." The popular jock Niall who also beats Harry says to me and gives me a high five.

I'm not really a popular, I'm not a nerd either. I'm kind of just there in the middle. I talk to everyone, and I try to help everyone I can. I have people I don't like, and people I absolutly love to death. But only one bestfriend. And her name is Alex.

"Do you have a pencil?" I whisper too Niall.

"Next time you ask him for one, it's going to be a different kind of pencil if you know what I mean." Just another jock named Louis Tomlinson says and winks.

"Shut up Louis, here Bails." Niall says and hands me a pencil.

I dont know what i see in Louis eyes, but it's not really good. You know how i can tell Harry self harms? Well, it looks like Louis has his own secrets that I'm unsure about.

Well, it's the end of class and we have a project do in 2 weeks.

It's now lunch time and i sit with my bestfriend Alex, and our table is right next to Louis, Niall, Alison, Harry, and Dustin's table. Every day Alison will be such a total bitch. Sometimes Harry or Louis stands up for me and curses out Alison.

No one is at their table yet except Alison and Dustin. There's an unexpected person at my table? Niall Horan?

"Why are you sitting here? Shouldnt you be sitting with your girlfriend Alison?" Alex says, damn shes fiesty.

"Haha, she WAS my girlfriend, we broke up this morning before school started. Is it okay if i sit here?" He says, wow they broke up! Well this is a good day. She treated him like shit, even though he picks on Harry he probably wont anymore because Alison was the one who made him do it half the time.

"Yeah, sure." Alex says. I dont know why she is being cocky? She has a crush on Niall? Well i thought she did.

"Bailey Ryan? Can you come with me? Sorry, Mr. Hawk needs her for a minute." A kid i've never seen really before drags me out of lunch into the hallway.

"Mr. Hawk doesnt even need you, I just need you to come over here quick, someone wants to talk to you." he says, he sounds like a spy actually.

I go around the corner and I see Harry Styles the nerd.

"Hi Bailey I need to talk to you.." He says with his nerdy accent and he pulls down his sleeves. He is really self conscious... i feel bad.

"Yeah, what about Harry?"

"Okay, i need help with 3 things actually. But first please don't judge me." He says, he looks really nervous...

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