Just Hang Loose

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"What? Why do you look so nervous? Are you okay?" I say quickly

"The first thing i want you to help me with is to get me away from Alison! PLEASE?" Harry yells. Haha, hes probably sick of her.

"Yeah, i can do that. Can i go back and talk to her now?" I say

"Um, yeah... Thank you. I'll tell you the other things when were done with Alison." He says, I hope hes okay.

I walk back into the lunch room and holding a finger up to Niall and Alex signaling to wait. I walk over to Alisons table and sit down, i'm gonna be harsh so get ready.

"What do you want sleeze?" Alison says

"I want you to leave Harry alone, he is not your slave okay? you may be a snobby bitch but i dont care harry wanted me to tell you that he's done with you. He's done being youre monkey okay? So go run off and find a another little boy of yours you little shit." i didnt really sound hash but it'll do i hope.

"What are you talking about? Fine, take your stupid nerdy boyfriend and leave me alone." She said, i obviously won this easily.

"Haha, don't mind if i do."

i walk right back to where Harry was in the hallway and tell him what i said and how he's done. I invite him over after school along with Niall and if Niall is coming over, Louis will most likely be there too. I hope they wont be mean to him..

*schools over*

"Hey Bailey and Harry! Get in the car we'll give you a ride!'  i hear Niall shout from the parking lot of the school.

"Hey Niall, I really like this new you, youre so much nicer and more like the old Niall back in 8th grade." I tell him while Harry sits in the back and I sit upfront.

"Please dont bring up middle school its all a blur anymore." Niall complains

"Didnt you used to havea crush on me?!" I laugh and his face turns bright red and he turns to look back at the road.

"I still do..." He mummbles, he didnt think i heard him... But i did.

I didnt know Niall would still have a crush on me? It's been 3 years since 8th grade. We're both Juniors, i thought he'd be over it by now.

We pull into my driveway and i already see Louis car there too. He must be inside. I walk in and i great my 1 brother that still lives with us, and kiss my mom and we all go up to my room.

"Don't mind the mess guys.." I say to them

"Jesus Christ lad I didnt know a girl could be so messy. I'm impressed. I like it." Niall laughs

"Well, what can i say?" I say and they all laugh.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS OH MY GOD" Louis screamed and he had a unused tampon in his hand

"Girls put them up there thing when they start to bleed mate" Niall says and literally laughs for 10 minutes about louis

"Actually, it's for nose bleeds you pervert. See.." I say while taking it and putting up louis nose, he was so confused but the terror that is in teenage boys make me laugh.

"Its getting late, I think we better go, aye lad?" Louis says and Niall agree's.

They both leave and it's just me and Harry. I think I wanna talk to him about his self harm? I hope he doesnt shut down, but he needs to talk to someone about it.

"Hey Harry, can I um.. can i talk to you?" I stammer.

"Uh, yeah sure Bailey. What about?"

"Okay, I'm not going to act like i dont know, but Harry, are you okay? Like, personally. I know you self harm, I can see your pain when I look into your eyes. It hurts me just as much as it hurts you... I want you to know that ill always be here for you if you need me... I love you Harry." I say while i hug him

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