He saw me

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People hate me for what I do

I know, not everyone around me is true

Well, I couldn’t care less now

I’ll continue living this life anyhow

I heard Jesus came to our small town, Jericho

From town to town, He comes and goes

He teaches and heals, forgives and delivers

People flock around Him, especially sinners

A sudden urge came up from inside me

This Jesus I’ve heard, I want to see

I’ve been living this life of pity

Maybe through Him, I can obtain mercy

I pushed my way through the crowd

But everyone wants to see Him and keeps pushing me out

You see, I am small and I can’t get a better view

What am I supposed to do?

Then I climbed up a fig tree

So I can get a better look

I thought, how wonderful it would be

If only His words I understood

Suddenly, He called out my name

How did He know it?

People shun me and look at me with blame

Why this Jesus would want to be my guest and eat?

I quickly ran down towards Him

My joy flows to the brim

To Him, it doesn’t matter what I’ve been

He accepted me and forgave my sins

When no one ever cared for me

He saw me and called out to me

“Salvation has come upon you today

 For I came to seek and to save!”

He saw meWhere stories live. Discover now