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"Do you have any food in here im starving!" my bestfriend hallie whined

"The way you eat you should be 200 pounds not 100" I laughed, she eats everything and yet doesnt gain a pound

"Get off facebook and make me a sandwich?"

"Hold on Hallie I have a message from someone"

I clicked on the new message and it was from Ryan Spencer

Hey I saw you at my aunts fourth of July party and thought you were super hot.

"Do you know that guy?" hallie asked

"No, but I did go to a family friends fourth of July party and there was a really cute guy there"

"Did you talk to him?" 

"No because I had to watch Lily and make sure she didn't catch herself on fire or something"

Lily was my 7 year old little sister and she was accident prone. So whenever we went to party's or out anywhere I had to keep a close eye on her to make sure she didn't get hurt.

"Is that him"

"I don't know, I'll go to his photos and see"

I clicked on his profile and his profile picture was a picture of him shirtless in his bathroom. So original. I went to his pictures and saw a photo he had taken yesterday at the party of him. Yep this was definatly him

"Yeah that's him all right"

"Damn that boy is fine, If things don't go well between you two can I have him?"

"No, you have every boy that I like"

"Name two"

"Josh Ryan, Zak Kenny, Troy Obrien, Ethan Benson, Ashton Cooper"

"Hey I said two and I didn't take Ethan from you Vanessa Walters did and I took him from her."

"Whatever, this one's mine though, okay?"

"Okay, whatever"

"I want you to promise"

"Your such a two year old massie"


"Fine I promise not to take that fine hot guy Ryan from you"

"Okay good"

I clicked back to the message and responded

Thanks, Sorry I didn't talk to you I had to watch my little sister

"Seriously Massie you couldn't come up with anything better to write? If things keep going like this I won't have to steal him because he wont be intersted in you"

"Shut up, and if your such a genious at flirting what should I have wrote"

"I don't know something like your abs are so sexy I just want to lick them"

"Your disgusting you know that?"

"Yeah but thats why you love me"

" We better get going, I have to pick up Lily from soccer practice then take her to ballet lessons"

"Where are your parents? Shouldn't they be doing this?"

"Their on a buisness trip in New York, they won't be back for a week or so"

"Oh, that sucks"

"Yeah but it means I can do whatver I want"

"Becca your such a good girl you'll probably stay home and study"

"Shut up I'm not a good girl, good girls are virgins and I'm not a virgin so I'm not a good girl"

"Please just because you had sex once with your boyfriend of 2 years before he moved to Vermont or whatver does not mean your not a good girl. Your the definition of good girl"

"Whatever we have to go come on"

Sorry this chapter was so boring it's going to get way more exciting I promise.




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