Chapter 17

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"He was a fool for getting in our way." Kadaj ignored her sobbing and hissed at her. "Now you'll meet the same fate. See you in hell whore!"

Another clang of metal sounded, adding to the crash of thunder that made its way through the background. Loz knocked Kadaj's sword out of his hand. He had arrived just in time to see what he once considered a brother slaughter the only other person he had seen as family. With a growl, the elder of the two trudged toward his now bitter enemy, Dual Hound pounding against his other hand as a threat.

" You've done enough you monster. You won't be taking any more lives!" Loz lunged at him violently at an insane speed. Still shocked from being disarmed like that, Kadaj was caught off guard and was hurled backward, his body crashing into another small building. 

Loz stared at the dust and wood fragments that flew, and watched the ruin as the debris settled. Soon he stared in silence, the only sound being his breathing, and the rolling of thunder in the distance. He felt a droplet of water fall from the sky and hit him, and he averted his attention to wiping it off.

Before he could react, the building erupted in blue light as Kadaj flew at him, grasping him by the throat and lifting him inches above the ground. " How dare you defy us?! You ignorant fool! You'll all die!" The young man was screaming, fury radiating from his blackened eyes.

Sweat beaded down his forehead as Loz struggled to break free of Kadaj's grip. His fight was useless as JENOVA only forced Kadaj's slender, gloved hand to tighten around his neck.

"You monster... You will die... There's no way you could take this Planet as your own... You're no more significant than any life in this universe... Which means you have no right to slaughter so many... Release him... Release Kadaj!" He choked, flailing in the constricting grip.

"That is what you think!" JENOVA's voice cried from the man holding him. "I will never release him... And if I did, he would only die! Is that what you want?" She forced the hand around his throat to give a gentle push on the side of his neck.

"I'll kill you!" Loz reached for his gun blade, but in one swift movement, Kadaj's hand jerked.

Cloud and Tifa both heard the disgusting sound of bones splintering and snapping. Hurling him to the ground, Kadaj laughed as Loz slammed into the now muddy ground. Rain beat down on his limp body, and his awkwardly bent neck. The younger man had just snapped his neck like a twig, and the eldest lay on the ground dead before him.


Cloud stared in amazement at how Kadaj had just finished off both Yazoo and Loz. Tifa had managed to slowly drag Yazoo's body to the ruin she had hidden in earlier while Loz had fought, her body being covered in the man's blood in the process. She would be safe for now, noting how Kadaj was busy laughing over the death of his former 'brothers'.

' How could he do that... They were like his family... His loved ones... and he just murdered them like they were garbage...' The blonde spoke in his mind.

' That is the influence of JENOVA. If it wills you to do something, you do it, regardless of how you feel. It is uncontrollable.' Sephiroth explained to him.

' I don't understand... Why is JENOVA like that?'

' In a sick and twisted way, JENOVA is doing the right thing. It is a parasitic life

form, that feeds off the life energy of a planet in order to help it's own kind. That is what it was born to do, and this planet happened to be it's target.' The ex-general droned on in his mind, unsure of how to put it. ' It does what it needs to in order to survive, even if it means deceiving and lying... Even if it means murder...'

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