Morello's Virgin Wife

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It all started with a wedding! 

Blaize still couldn't believe that a man like Carlos Morello had fallen in love with her. She knew that she wasn't the plainest girl but neither was she beautiful. Men had been chasing her all her life but only because of who her father was. 

Having a famous mob boss for a father meant that several men had wanted to use her to weasel their way in to her father's good graces. But Carlos had not been like that. He hadn't even known who her father was when they had met and had loved her for her. It had been strange to realise that someone could actually love her and when he had proposed she had been excited to accept. 

Even her father had agreed that he was a man worthy of being her husband and he had bought him in to the family business, something which she was not entirely happy with. But today was her wedding day and she only had to get through the next few hours before she would finally be free of her father. 

"You look beautiful," her father said and Blaize grinned at him as she surveyed her reflection. The full length ivory gown skimmed her slender curves and made her waist look smaller than it was while her matching heels added to her height. The beaded bodice clung to her creamy breasts seeming to enhance her cleavage and with her minimal make-up and twisted up-do of her dark hair she looked every inch the blushing bride. 

"Thank you," she offered him as she took a deep steadying breath willing herself not to cry. 

"You make me so proud," he offered and tears sprung to her eyes as she hugged him knowing that though her father may not be the most law abiding citizen he would always be her father and she would always love him. 

"I love you daddy," she said and he squeezed her tighter before his phone rang and spoilt the moment. 

"I have to take this," he informed her as he reluctantly let her go. 

Blaize was used to her father putting business first but fury danced in her gaze as she listened discreetly and realised he was planning a deal to take place at her very own wedding. 

"Tell me you are not using my wedding as a front for your dodgy dealings," she pleaded and her father had the good sense to look guilty at the accusation. 

"It's good business sense," he tried to explain and Blaize looked livid. 

"Good business sense? This is my wedding!" she shouted and her father winced. 

"Exactly. The wedding of my only daughter. Who would expect me to be doing anything illegal when my baby is getting married?" he asked and Blaize glared at him. 

"Most fathers would be too busy actually watching their daughter get married to care about business," she informed him closer to tears than ever and her father gave a hard sigh as he pulled her back in to his arms. 

"I'm sorry baby. I'll make it up to you, I promise," he vowed as he stroked his hand down her back in a smoothing motion like he had done when she was a child. 

"I swear daddy. I had better not see anything of this deal," she told him firmly and he smiled as he released her. 

"Trust me, Blaize. Your wedding will be perfect," he told her and she narrowed her eyes on him. 

"Hmph!" she responded. 

"Carlos understood the good sense of business," her father muttered and Blaize froze as she sent her father a mutinous glare. 

"He knew about this?" she demanded furiously and her father winced. 

"Forget I said that. Now don't be too long. The cars will be here soon," her father said as he backed from the room before she could say another word. 

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