Chapter 3

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Well this morning started in a hurry, I woke up later than usually. I had to rush to take a shower and pack all of my belongings in the suitcase I had. When I got home last night Maddy and I decided to have one last night of hanging out because who knows the next time I see her will be. Louis and I exchanged numbers last night so he could text me when he got here. Just as I shoveled the last bite of waffles in my mouth, my phone rang.

Hi! I'm outside- L

Ok great I'm running a few minutes late, you can come in if you want- D

Ok- L

"Maddy, he's coming inside!" I yelled through the flat. Just then I heard the doorbell. "I got it!" I ran to the door and opened it. "Hi good morning, come in!" I said in one breath.
"Thanks, you're sister has a nice place." Louis said

"Thank you, I'm Maddy by the way."

"Louis, nice to meet you."

"Ok so I'm just about ready I just have gather my bags." I gathered my things and set them by the door. I went and hugged my sister. "Thank you for letting me crash here and for being there for me through all the Matt crap."

"Your welcome, I'm always here for you." We hugged once more and let go.
Maddy walked up to Louis and whispered so that I might not hear. "Take care of her, if you hurt her I'll hurt you." "Ugh Maddy, I'll be okay, besides I'm supposed to threaten guys for you not the other way around."

"I promise I will never hurt her Maddy, your always welcome to come a see her too."

"Ok I think we should go now." I said. With that I picked up my bags  and went out to his car. Louis helped me put them in the back of his SUV. We  both got in and headed to his flat.

It was quiet for the first few minutes of the drive. "Louis where's Freddy?"

"Oh the boys are watching him while I came and got you. You'll meet them when  we get there." He said and the the silence returned. With the radio playing softly a song came on that I haven't heard in awhile. I started humming and singing along to Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco. "So Dawn just as a heads up the boys and I all share a place. You'll mostly be taking care of Freddy but you'll also be doing the laundry as well is that ok?"

"Yea it's fine. I figured I'd be working around the house as well so it's fine."

"Ok good. Also we are leaving for a tour in a month so everyone will be getting ready for that too."

"Ok" Just the we pulled into a apartment complex. Once we were parked and had gotten my things we started towards the door of the apartment complex.
When we made it to the door I had to take a minute to calm myself down. It's just now hitting me that I'm working for my favorite band.

"Hey are you ok?" Louis asked me.

"Yea, I'm good. I guess I'm just nervous is all." After that Louis opened the door and we walked in. I took a look around the apartment and noticed the open lay out. The Kitchen was towards the left with a island in the middle with bar stools placed around it, then directly in front of us was the dining room with a large table that could fit at least eight people, then towards the right of that was an l shaped couch with a glass coffee table in the middle and on the wall was a big screen tv. The apartment was paired in a soft blue color that gave a calling effect. It was a beautiful place.

I noticed that on the gray couch there was four guys sitting and it look like they were playing a video game. Which one, I don't know. There was also a small play pen set up with Freddie in it playing with some toys.

"Boys I'm back!" Louis says. And next thing I know there's four guys standing in front of me giving Louis a group hug. All I could think of was how cute.

"Awww" I quickly cover my mouth with both hands in embarrassment. Then their eyes shift to me and I'm nervous all over again.

" So is this the new nanny, Louis?" Liam asks.

"Yep, boys meet Dawn, Dawn the boys." Louis says as he introduces me to everyone. I stand there and give a awkward wave to them with a shy smile.  " Dawn follow me and I will show you where you're room is." I followed Louis down the hall that was to the left of the living room. We stopped about midway in front of a cherry wood red door and louis opened it and gestured for me to go in. Once I stepped inside I was shocked. It had a queen sized bed centered against the back wall. the walls were all painted a medium grey color. There was a window seat in the wall opposite to the  door with a bay window overlooking the park that was next door. then on either side of the windows were some bookshelves with a amazing amount of books.

"Wait so this is my room?"  I say.

"Yep, you  can decorate to how you like it as well." Louis says as he picks up the bags i dropped while in my shocked state and sets them on the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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