Cuddles at Christmastime

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Parenthesis mean the character is thinking what is inside (thoughts)

Brackets are fangirl thoughts {its love}

The asterisks are actions *kiss kiss kiss and more kissing*

Translations \I Love you\

*At Yuuri's house Christmas morning/Victor's Birthday*

**Y wakes up with V cuddling into his chest**

Y:Vityaaa...wake up sweetie(He's so cute when he's asleep <3, Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas Baby)*kisses the top of V's head*{his favorite spot #>.<#}

V:*nuzzles his head into Y's neck and smiles sleepily, he's shirtless*{hey you decided to read this} Merry Christmas Yuuri~~! *he hugs him closer*

Y:*leans down and kisses V* Merry Christmas to you to Vitya, and Happy Birthday~!

V:*talks in a sleepy sweet voice* I love when you call me that...say it again.

Y:Ya lyublyu tebya |I love you|  Vitya~!<3

V:Yuri~! *smothers him in kisses* I love you to!

Y:Do you want your Christmas/Birthday present now?(he's going to love it!)*sneaky smile*

V:Yeah! Then i'll give you mine to! (he has no idea~!)

Y:*walks into the other room, he's not wearing a shirt either, and grabs an envelope, and walks back to the bed where he gets in next to V and hands it to him* (i really hope he's happy!)

V:*opens the envelope and pulls out two plane tickets to paris* Yuuri~!!!! Baby, I love it! *tackles him with a bear hug*

Y: I thought you would. I wanted for us to take a trip together after the season, just the two of us and Makkachin. Happy Birthday!

V: It's a great idea! Now, let me go get mine (I cannot wait to see his face! <3) *Grabs a small package from under the bed ad hands it to him*

Y:*Opens it and pulls out a Matryoshka |Russian nesting doll| he is confused for a second* 

V:Open them!

Y:*He pulls out each doll till he get's to the smallest one and pulls out a diamond engagement ring* V-Victor...*he's blushing uncotrollably*

V:*serious* Will you marry me Katsuki Yuuri?

Y:Yes yes YES~! I will absolutely YES YES YES~! *crying tears of joy* wait though *pulls out another small box from under his pillow ad opens it to find another ring* what am I supposed to do with your Christmas present?

V:*Pulls Y in for a very long kiss* Yes...yes...yes~! Can't wait to use those honeymoon tickets now~!

>>>>>>>>>>THE END<<<<<<<<<<<<<

disclaimer: the russian doll idea was from a fanart on tumblr

plus, your welcome

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