Happy Birthday Smol Precious Flower Child

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*This takes place at Yuuri's house again on Yuuri's Birthday TODAYYYYY 11.29*

{sorry bout the double birthday thing}

*Y wakes up early and tries not to wake his precious V up while sneaking to the hot springs then to the rink, he is skating alone, building is empty except for him*

Y:*speaking to himself* 25 huh, this sure is surreal, so much has happened the past year...*recalls his past competitions...V and his time with him* I'm so glad he's in my life! *cries some happy tears and subconsciously begins to do V's last program that brought them together with his eyes blurred with more happy tears he shuts them*

V:*walks into the rink and see's Y doing his program, puts on his skates and joins him on the ice beginning to skate along side of Y without Y noticing, when he nears the end, V changes his program a bit so he ends in front of Y. He pulls Y in and kisses him all over, Y cries some more* Happy Birthday my sweet Yuuri.....*his voice is sickly sweet and sincere and thick with emotion unlike his usual seductive tone*

Y:*crying softly now* Victor...thank you..thank you...THANK YOU so much for being in my life!

*They both collapse in a teary emotional heap of each others love and affection*

V:I love you Yuuri *smiles legitly and emotionally and rawly and excuse my awful grammar but are you not crying now?*

Y:I love you to Victor*does the same thing*

V:I didn't get you a present yet because I wanted to know exactly what you wanted...sorry, I'm a crappy fiance...and coach...and person...*V being insecure for once in his life*

Y:*laughs shyly because we all know that never happens *No your not and...I want....*blushes as red as a drunk Minako watching Chris ice skate and says in a small voice* you.

V:*blushes the same shade* How honest and up front this is why I want to marry you now!

Y: Let's do it. Now. Today. *blunt. period.*

V:YEAH! Oh wait....

Y:What..?*slightly worried&

V:I wanted to plan the hell out of our wedding!Even have it be complete with ice sculptures and a fancy venue...*sad voice*

Y:Oh no that's okay! We can do that...*slightly sad*

V:No no Yuuri~:( don't be sad even though your so cute with that face we will get married today just let me call up a few folks...I'll make it the best wedding yet for my little piggy's birthday~!

Y:That's all that matters~!*beaming like an adorable little kid*

*V makes a few calls and this is the result*

*3:00 PM*

*V and Y walk in with V's hands over Y's eyes*

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*V and Y walk in with V's hands over Y's eyes*


Y:*gasps* Vitya~! It's beautiful~!!!! *grabs his skates and V does to and they skate around on the ice for a bit* Who did you invite?

V:Close friends, from Russia and here

Y:Good*Smiles* I wanted this day to be spent with the people I love the most.

V:Happy birthday my little piggy~!

*6:30 PM*

*Victor stands at the front of the room on his skates in a black tux with the official as Yuri, Yakov (Victor insisted), Minako, Yuuko, Phichit (taking them instagram photos as usual), and of course Makkachin at his side struggling on the ice. Yuuri skates in with a black tux as well and smiles brightly as he skates up to Victor. They say their vows and kiss~!!!*

V:I'm so happy I'm with you Yuuri~! Now I can say your my...husband*husky tone*.

Y:V-Vitya...your my husband.*Smiles brightly*

Y+V:I love you~!

Y+V:I love you~!

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THE END~~~<3

Sorry guys this was less of a one-shot but I really wanted to write it~! Sorry this one's kind've crappy to.

*Disclaimer crediting to tumblr for the art*


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