Chapter 33

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Chandler and I finished our food, paid and started to head out when I saw two familiar faces.

"Niall? Harry?" I smiled.

"Hey Angelika!" Niall smiled back. Harry just sat there still staring at his food.

"Not a surprise seeing you here Niall. Where's Francesca? You better be treating my cousin right or I might just have to kick your little Irish arse." I joked with him.

"Haha but yeah she's fine just shopping with some friends."

"Cool. Cool." I smiled.

"Babe, let's go." Chandler pulled my hand.

"You go head home. I think I'm going to stick around awhile and catch up on things." With that he kissed my cheek and left.

"So, Harry? How's everything?" I asked the boy who was still staring at his food.

"Fine." He answered blankly.

We all just stood there awkwardly until Niall broke the silence. "Well I'll be going. You two stay here and chat." He stood up and left, I took his seat.

"Harry? Are you okay?" I asked.

"No! You are with Chandler and not me!" He looked up at me tears in his eyes.

"Harry, I've moved on. I'm sorry." I rubbed his back.

He brushed off my hand, paid and walked out. I stood up and followed him.

"You can't just walk away from me like that Harry!" I yelled after him.

"Says who?!" He yelled back.

"Come on! Don't fucking be like that!" People started to stare at us. "Harry can we just go some where else and talk, please." I asked.

"Where? My house?" He asked looking at me joyfully.

"Yeah, let's go." I got in my car and he got in his and we drove to his house.

When we got inside, it was silent. No people, animals or paparazzi; just me and Harry.

"I still love you Angelika; and you know it." Harry said not looking at me.

"I know, I know. I love you too! But not like that. As friends." I smiled.

"I can't stand seeing you with him. It's killing me!" He looked at me a single tears rolling down his cheek.

"Please don't cry. You'll make me cry." And I did start crying.

"He's no good for you. But I am! I'll treat you better than him." Harry's such a romantic, that's one of the things I love most about him.

"Harry-" I whipped my tears and smiled. "He treats me right, just like you did."

"I still have the bracelet you made me." He smiled.

"And the tattoo." I smiled back even bigger.

"Yeah. I'll have that forever." He looked down at the A+H in a scribbled heart tattoo that he got many years ago.

"I still can't believe you were idiot enough to get that tattoo." I smiled.

"I was only a love struck idiot." He smiled and walked very close to me.

"My love struck idiot is what you were." I smiled.

"I'm sorry." Harry said.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked.

"I've been acting like a jerk since we broke up and I never stopped to think what was best for you or what you wanted...." He babbled on and on and out of instinct I guess I kissed him.

He paused for minute but kissed me back, I pulled away and looked back at him. And we kissed again but with more love and passion. We slowly back against the wall still kissing. His hand traveled to my waist slowly lifting up my shirt. For no reason I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist.

I slowly started to unbutton his shirt. His lisps traveled from my cheek to my neck. "Mmmmmmmm" I moaned.

So much lust was happening I had no clue what I was doing. What we were doing.

I laid my head back giving him more access to my neck. I grabbed a fist full of his still curly hair. I ripped off his shirt, him still kissing my neck. What are we doing is what I thought for a few seconds. But that thought went away minutes ago, lust took over.

He sucked and bit at my neck as we moved from the wall down the halls making our way to his room. Him still carrying me, holding me up by the ass. We rested against the wall for a few seconds to breathe.

I pulled his face up to mine and I kissed him even more passionately. This was the man I wanted. Harry.

We kissed with so much lust, love and passion. Me pinned against the wall him holding me up as we kissed. We moved into the bedroom. He laid me on the bed and closed the door came back and kissed me laying me back, him hovering over me..........

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