Sunset Valley- Chapter 1

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There were three 13 year olds going to go to their spot that they chose to meat at, but little did they know that in the depths of the ocean, their future awaits.

Three Teens named Tommy, Joe, and Melanie are going to the Bahamas for their spring break, the three of them got their stuff packed and ready to go to the airport to meet each other at the Bahamas.

Tommy was a tall, green eyed boy, with galaxy dyed hair, but he dyes it quite often. He is around 6 foot, 3 inches. Melanie is a brown haired girl with blue eyes and tan skin. She is kinda short, with a height of 5" 7'. Joe is a green haired "freak", with a blue mustache, and is 6" 1'.

When at the airport, Melanie called Tommy,"Hey Tommy, what Hotel are we meeting at?"

Tommy said,"We meet at the Sunset Valley hotel."

Melanie replied,"Is there an indoor pool?"

Tommy said,"Ya, why?"

Melanie was in trouble, she forgot to pack her swimsuit so she could go swimming. "Is there a store at the hotel?" said Melanie. Tommy said again,"Ya, why?" Then melanie said,"I forgot to pack my swimsuit!"

Tommy laughed, then said,"Welp, i can't help with that. Just hope they have a swimsuit department!"

Melanie hoped they did then said,"Ok Tommy i'm going to call Joe, ok?"

Tommy said,"Ok" *HUNG UP*

Melanie then tried to call Joe.

Joe never picked up the phone.

Melanie called three more times. He never picked up.

Melanie got scared, then she thought that maybe Joe was already at the hotel.

Melanie asked Tommy if he could call Joe, he said Joe didn't pick up.

When on the plain Melanie fell asleep dreaming of what could have happened to Joe, wondering if he's ok.

While Melanie was walking , she heard a weird noise coming from her room. She was scared to walk in, but she did anyways. She walked in not knowing what was in the room. IT WAS THE TV! Melanie was so scared for nothing, but what scared her the most was what was on the TV. On the TV was the news, and it said,"Local murder in Sunset Pool, Joe Leif Cage has been found dead with multiple stab wounds in his abdomen ..." Melanie was scared and turned the TV off, but she wanted to know the rest of what he was saying, so she turned it back on," ...The detectives found a paper with writing on the victim's dorsum that said, ¨I will find you in time,just wait till you see your death bed.'"

Melanie instantly got freaked out and shut the TV off. She got up to get her phone and saw she had a message on it. The message was from Joe. "But that can't be the news said he was dead." Melanie said to herself.

When Melanie was about to open the text, she heard a knock at the door. She set her phone down and went to open the door. She opened the door and there was a tired looking Tommy. She immediately felt nervous, because she had to tell him about Joe, and she looked down not saying anything. He instantly felt that something was wrong.

Melanie looked back up.

Without Tommy saying anything, Melanie put her finger on his lips and shushed him.

Melanie looked back down and said,"Tommy, can i tell you something?"

Tommy looked confused and said,"Sure"

Melanie sat on her bed and then said,"Tommy. Joe's dead."

In surprise, Tommy closed the door and whispered,"How do you know this?"

"It said on the news", Melanie said. 

Melanie and Tommy talked awhile until they both realized it was night time. They were both tired, Tommy fell asleep in the chair he was sitting on while Melanie was sleeping on the bed. He didn't trust her to be alone, especially since the murder was so close to the hotel. And so they both slept all night.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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