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I'm walking back and forth. I don't know what to do. It's going to ruin the whole world like this. I need to do something. 

'Marah, you must flee. If you stay, this might be the end.' Jason says. I shake my head. 'I need to confront him somehow. If I don't he might ruin the world in order to find me.' I say. 'It will be dangerous!' David says. I stand still. 'I met its ghost once. I just need to meet its ghost again but I don't know how.' I say. 'How did you met him last time?' Jason asks. 'When I was sitting outside I suddenly got a huge headache. I ended up in a bright place with only ghosts.' I say and sigh. 'I can't just go back to that place again. But there must be some way.' I say and look down. Jason and David put their hands on my shoulders. 'You don't have to do it alone. We are here for you.' David says. I nod and smile. 'I know.' I say. 'Let's clear our minds now and do something fun.' Jason says. David and I both look at him quizzically.

We're walking into a karaoke club. 'But I can't sing at all.' I say. 'You don't have to. It's just for fun.' Jason says and pushes me inside. We're getting a room and David gets us some drinks. I sit down on the couch. 'I just can't stop thinking about it.' I say and look down. 'Let's just try to have fun now, okay?' Jason says. David walks in with alcohol. Good, I need to lose my mind for tonight. David puts down the beer. I open a bottle and start to drink. I drink bottle after bottle. 'Marah, don't you need to stop now?' David says. I look at him. Everything is hazy and I see twice. I laugh like an idiot. 'Why should I?' I ask. I take a sip. Jason grabs the bottle from me. 'Marah, you should stop now. You're already drunk.' He says. I stand up and grab the microphone. I start to sing. I'm getting sick. I'm so dizzy and everything is zo hazy. I stagger and I almost fall. I'm at my point to throw up but then I fall asleep.
Jason sighs. 'She needs to go home.' He says. David stands up. 'I'll take her.' He says. 'No, I will.' Jason grabs David's arm. David pushes off Jason's hand. 'How? You can't carry her with one arm.' He says and picks me up. 'Just walk along. I know you don't trust me alone with her.' Jason hisses.
David walks towards my house with me on his back. Jason walks next to him. 'How did things end after I left?' David asks. 'She knows her past now.' Jason says. 'After her parents died Antonio took her. He hid her in his basement and abused her. He even raped her.' He says and looks down. 'He took her to the woods one day and shot her. She just survived it.' Jason bites his lip. 'That's horrible. How did she react?' David asks. Jason shakes his head. 'She run away and screamed. She cried all day long.' David sighs. 'What about Antonio? Is he still free?' Jason shakes his head. 'He has been arrested after he almost killed Marah.' He says. 'That's good then.' David says. Jason nods.
We arrive at my house. Jason opens the door and David takes me upstairs. He lays me down on my bed and puts a blanket around me. 'This will be hard on her too.' Jason says. 'I want to help her. Because I've seen her father being murdered by it.' He strokes my cheek. 'I'm worried she'll be too weak to face it.' David nods. 'Even though I don't know how she feels, I want to be able to help.' He says and sighs. 'Well I should be leaving now.' David gets up. 'See you later.' Jason says and David walks out of the room. Jason looks at my red face. 'You shouldn't do this to your body.' He whispers. He strokes my head and then walks out of the room.
Jason sits down on the couch. 'I need to protect her better this time.' He says to himself. 'I need to get stronger.' He walks to the kitchen and drinks some water. He spits and sighs.

I wake up with a headache. I'm not feeling so great either. I guess it's a hangover. I must've been really drunk. I get up but I feel like throwing up. I run towards the bathroom. Jason walks in and strokes my back. 'I'm sorry. I'm really being selfish.' I say and wipe my mouth. 'No, you're not. You always help other people but then forget to take care of yourself.' Jason says. I get up. 'But don't apologize. You're having a really hard time. Just don't forget you're not doing this alone.' Jason says and gets up. 'Let's go eat something now.' He holds out his hand and I grab it.
We walk to the kitchen. 'Why don't you sit down? I'll make breakfast this time.' I say. Jason laughs. 'Since when can you cook?' He says. I turn my head. 'I practiced.' I say and take a few eggs out of the refrigerator. 'An omelet?' I ask. 'Yeah, sounds good.' Jason answers. I put the eggs into a pan. I put on some pepper. 'It already smells good.' Jason says. I laugh a little. After a few minutes the omelets are done. I put them on a plate and serve them on the table. 'Let's eat.' I say and Jason takes a bite. 'It's really good.' He says and sticks his thumb up. I smile and start to eat myself too.
'That was good.' Jason says when he's finished. I smile. 'I'd like to taste more of your dishes sometimes.' Jason says. I laugh. 'I need to practice more first.' I say.
My phone rings. 'David? What is it?' I ask. "Marah, you've seen it right? I think you should find a book in the library about ghosts.'' David says. 'I see. Thanks, David.' I say and hang up. I look at Jason. 'We need to go to the library.' I say. 'The library?' Jason asks as I stand up. 'We might find something about how I can get contact with the ghost of the thing.' I say and put on my coat. I help Jason with his Jacket and we walk to the library.
Once we arrive at the library I immediately start to search. I go through every book. I'm reading the whole day but I still didn't find anything. I look at Jason. 'Did you find anything?' I ask. Jason shakes his head. 'How about you.' I shake my head too.
'Maybe we should come back tomorrow.' Jason says. 'No, I can't stop now.' I say and search for another book. 'Then I'll stay too.' I look up. 'No, you should rest. I'll be fine.' I walk to Jason and kiss him on the cheek. 'If there are any problems, you'll be the first to know.' I smile. Jason sighs. 'Alright then. I'll be back soon.' Jason says and gives me a kiss before he leaves.
I turn around and look through the books again. "How to drive away ghosts'' No that's not it. "I can see ghosts'' I don't think it will be in that one either. "How to get contact with ghosts'' This one sounds interesting. I pick up the book and open it: "To get in contact with a ghost you need to go to your bathroom at midnight. Make sure you have candles and stand in front of the mirror.'' I stop with reading. This is about a ghost from a death person. I don't need that. I flip through the pages and then see something: "Do you want to get in contact with a spirit? Then you should make sure the spirit is in your world. It takes a form of a monster if it travels through worlds. If you want to talk to the spirit you have to be one with it. In order to become one you need to touch the spirit and go to the spirit world. Then it will be able to understand your language. But be careful! Some spirits are evil. If you make them angry, they are able to take your soul out.'' I close the book. So I need to touch it. But I need to find it first. How can I ever know where it is now? I sigh and sit down. I'm still not feeling so great and I haven't eaten at all. I look on the clock. 11 o'clock. I need to go now. But I'm taking this book with me.
I stand up and want to open the door but it's locked. Oh no. What do I do?! I need to call Jason. I take out my phone but there is no service. Why is there no service in a library?! I knock on the door. 'Help me!' I yell. 'Help!' There is no answer. I sigh and run towards the backdoor but it's locked too. I turn around and sit down. Now I need to spend the night in here. I lay my head against the door. Why is it always me with bad luck? I sigh and close my eyes.
'Marah! Are you in there?!' I open my eyes. Someone is here. I stand up and hit my fists on the door. 'I'm locked up in here.' I say. 'Get back. I'll open the door.' I take a few steps back and then hear a gunshot. The door opens and Jason walks in. 'Jason!' I walk towards him and embrace him. 'I heard something coming from here so I came back.' He says. 'I'm so glad you came. I was worried I'd be spending the night in here.' I say. 'Now, let's go home.' Jason says and together we walk out of the library. 'Wait.' I say and run back. I pick up the book and run back to Jason. 'I almost forgot this.' I say and show him the book. 'You found it?' I nod. 'I'll tell you about it when we get home.' I say and put the book into my bag.
When we get home I sit down on the couch. I take out the book and give it to Jason. 'If I want to have contact with it I need to become one with it.' I say. 'Become one? What does that mean?' Jason asks. 'I need to confront it and touch it. I'll be going to his world and that's how I can talk to him.' I say. 'But isn't that too dangerous?' Jason asks. I nod. 'I just need to make sure I don't make it angry. Or else it will take my soul.' I say and clench my hands. 'I just need to know where it is and need to confront him. The day before Christmas.' I say and look at Jason.

Meanwhile at the army basis people are training for the fight with the monster. The major is talking with the president. 'We need to stop that thing.' The president says. 'I know who might be able to do that, Mr. president.' The major says. 'Who?' President asks. 'Marah Monale, sir. She is the daughter of former soldier Oliver Monale.' The major explains. 'You mean the girl who can see ghosts? Don't be ridiculous. A little girl like her can't stop a monster like that.' President says. 'Mr. president. That thing is the same creature who killed soldier Monale. I think that it's looking for Miss Monale now.' The major says. The president thinks for a while and then answers. 'Fine. Bring her to me.' He says. 'Yes sir.' The major turns around and walks out of the room.

I'm lying on the couch. I hold my hand in front of my face. When I confront the creature it might really be the end. For me or for the spirit. I sigh and close my eyes. 'Are you okay?' Jason asks. 'Yeah, I'm fine.' I say and sit up. Jason gives me a cup of tea and I drink it. I laugh to myself. 'What's so funny?' Jason asks. I look at him. 'It was quite funny how I was locked up in there.' I say and laugh. Jason grins. 'You were really cool back there.' I say. Jason puts his hand in front of his mouth. 'Thank you.' He says. 'How is your arm?' I ask him. 'It doesn't hurt so much anymore so I think it will be fine.' Jason answers. I smile. 'That's good.' I say and Jason sits down next to me. I lay my head down on his legs and close my eyes. He strokes my head and I fall asleep. Jason kisses my ear. He gently puts a blanket over me and holds me tight.
The next morning I wake up because of the doorbell. Jason wakes up too. I get up and walk to the door. I'm surprised when I see two men in front of my door. 'Hello, miss Monale. I'm the major from the army. We need you to come with us.' The major says.


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