Part 1

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Oikawa's cheeks were stinging with the crisp air of November. He was waiting outside the cafe where him and Iwaizumi tend to meet up at. He pulled up his scarf as a shiver ran down his spine. The cold didn't faze him, though, he was too focused on awaiting his bestfriend's arrival. He waited for what seemed like an eternity before hearing the familiar sound of Iwaizumi's voice.

Iwaizumi waved at Oikawa from a few yards down the sidewalk. Oikawa smiled as the boy approached.

Oikawa threw up a peace sign. The cold left Oikawa's body and was replaced by a warmth coming from his heart. He was in love. He had known he was in love with Iwaizumi for a long time, but he couldn't bring himself to confess. Everytime he was given the chance, a voice in the back of his mind told him that it wasn't the right moment.

Iwaizumi's breath fogged up the cold air. Oikawa's heart leaped at the short response. The most casual things set him off, no matter what Iwaizumi seemed to do, it just resulted in Oikawa falling deeper in love. This occasionally scared Oikawa. He was told by his mother that the deeper you fall, the harder it is to get back up.

Iwaizumi opened the door for the third time that week, walking into the little cafe in which the two teenagers loved. They inhaled the scent of coffee beans and toast. It was a cozy place, and it was never busy. It was the perfect meeting spot. They sat down across from each other at a small table.

"Good afternoon. Here is the menu, I'll be back in a few minutes to take your order."
The waitress smiled sweetly as she handed them menus. Iwaizumi picked one up and began examining the "today's specials" section. Oikawa picked his up as well, but didn't pay so much attention to it. He continually glanced up at Iwaizumi. Oikawa loved the way Iwaizumi was so focused when he was reading something, the way he furrowed his brow and had such a serious expression. Oikawa smiled as he looked at the male.

"Iwa-chan, do you want to come over this weekend?"
Oikawa pushed up his glasses as the words escaped his lips. He didn't particularly like his glasses, but he also didn't like having to wear contacts when he didn't need to.

Iwaizumi replied firmly. Oikawa was ecstatic even though they hang out almost every weekend. Just knowing they were going to for sure, though, made him feel positive. He played with the corner of his menu as he eyed the food choices.

"Have you decided on what you'd like to order?" The waitress returned, this time with a tablet and ballpoint pen to right down the boys' orders.

"I'll take a coffee with vanilla creamer."
Iwaizumi always ordered the same thing. Oikawa liked knowing what Iwaizumi had a taste for. Sometimes he would get caught up in his imagination and picture himself brewing Iwaizumi that same coffee and waking him up to a warm mug of it. Then they'd share a soft kiss and snuggle in bed. Oikawa always shook these thoughts off, though, because the idea was far-fetched.

"I'll take a hot chocolate with whipped cream, please." Oikawa politely requested.
Unlike Iwaizumi, he changed up his order frequently. He liked to step out of his comfort zone and try new things. The waitress then preceded to pick up their menus and walk back into the kitchen. Iwaizumi looked out the window. The snow had begun to fall and it was coating the cluttered streets in a white blur. Oikawa stared at Iwaizumi, he couldn't seem to avert his gaze.

Iwaizumi looked over at him. "So what do you want to do at your house this weekend?"
Oikawa's eyes widened for a moment as he was broken out of his trance. He then sorted his thoughts out and replied.

"I found some old music cds in my basement. I think they were my father's."
Oikawa's voice trailed off. He didn't bring his father up often, he had hardly known the man. His father had left him and his mother when he was merely three years of age. He had nothing to say about him, because he knew nothing about him in the first place. Oikawa was the one looking out the window now.

"What time should I come over?"
Iwaizumi asked. He said it softer than he usually talked. He knew oikawa's father was a touchy subject and didn't want to bring up any questions involving him.

"Saturday at seven. My mom won't be home because she works late that night, so we can listen to the music in my living room."
Oikawa responded. His mother was an austere woman who believed that all music and electronics in general should be kept at a minimum after around six. He also didn't want his mother to make a comment about him touching his father's things.

"Sounds good."

The waitress came strolling back to their table and dropped off they're drinks. Iwaizumi wrapped his hands around the cup and slid it towards him. Oikawa picked his up and blew on the surface of it before taking a sip. He smiled as he watched Iwaizumi take a swig of the warm liquid.

"Iwa-chan, do you want a taste of mine?" Oikawa said half-jokingly.


Oikawa felt his heart thump as the word rolled off Iwaizumi's tongue. He never would've thought that he would agree. He gulped and handed over the hot cocoa nervously. Iwaizumi set down his own drink and picked up Oikawa's, taking a sip without thinking twice about it. Oikawa felt his cheeks grow warm as he watched in disbelief. An indirect kiss. The idea weighed on his mind, but the moment was ephemeral. A few seconds later, Iwaizumi set oikawa's cup down.

"Hot chocolate is good every now and then." He then brought the coffee to his lips once again. Oikawa picked his hot chocolate back up, as well. He felt the heat from his face trickle over to his ears as he placed his mouth where Iwaizumi's was just resting. He looked out the window for the second time today. It was darker out now, although it was November, he still wasn't used to the sun setting so early compared to summer. The snow hadn't cleared up either, but instead, clouded the streets even more.

"It's getting dark."
Iwaizumi looked over at Oikawa. When he said this, it usually meant it was time for them to leave. They both set down their share of the bill and stood up. Oikawa pushed his glasses back against his face once more before plunging into the icy air. They walked side by side silently for awhile. The bus stop they were heading for was a few blocks away from their meeting spot. Iwaizumi broke the silence.

"I've always liked old music."
Oikawa's heart began beating against his rib cage. Iwaizumi didn't ever seem to tense up around Oikawa, but Oikawa got flustered around his best friend quite often. At first, he was afraid Iwaizumi would notice, but over time, he realized that Iwaizumi didn't pay attention to it or just didn't care. This made Oikawa's heart sink a little, but at the same time, it made him feel somewhat relieved.

"Me too."
Oikawa's reply was muffled by his scarf. They had arrived at the bus stop, and Oikawa felt forlorn as Iwaizumi waved and walked off into the blur of white. He lived a few more blocks down the street, so only Oikawa took the bus. He kept his eyes locked on the spot where he saw Iwaizumi disappear. He then boarded the bus of unfamiliar people and continued on his way home.


Hey guys! Do you like this so far? I have a really good idea for the whole story so please continue reading if you liked it. I will try to upload part 2 soon, maybe even tonight. :)

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