I feel bad :(

31 3 15

Ok so I feel really bad about not posting on here. I've been so busy with the school play(we did guys and dolls, I'll leave a link for one of the musical numbers during practice when we still we're with the audio we had. Sadly its all over now, we performed the 10th, 11th, and 12th) and now I have bowling going on as well AND MY BIRTHDAY IS SATURDAY!!!!! So ya, stress is grand. Oh, and my friend still isn't back in school yet, so that adds to it a lot too. So I thought maybe, you guys can vote on one of my story's (not roleplays.) you want me to update. I will rack my brain for something!!!! I sware! And I'll post the winning book so that you can spam me 'where's the chapter, where's the chapter!'

Randomness!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora