Chapter #1

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Ten year old Yuya Sakaki waited with his father in front of their small home. He fidgeted nervously and his father smiled down at him, taking his small hand in his big one and giving it an affectionate squeeze. Yuya looked up at him, smiling a little. A couple of his father's manservants waited beside them, ready to welcome their new mistress. His father turned his attention back down the road as the sound of the approaching carriage grew louder. Yuya began to fidget again.

"Yuya, don't be so nervous."

"But Father, what if she doesn't like me?" His father chuckled and squeezed his hand again.

"How could she not Yuya? You are the most adorable little boy in the whole world. She is going to love you." His father assured him. Yuya turned his attention to the carriage as it rolled to a stop in front of them. A footman got off the carriage and hurried to the door. He took a deep breath and opened the carriage door.

"Presenting the Lady Yuzu and her lovely daughters, Rin and Selena!" The footman called.(i don't mind these characters much but for plot their antagonist) Yuya watched as a tall pink haired woman exited the carriage first. She was very lovely, with long flowing pink hair that fell to her waist. Her eyes were a lovely violet color, much like Yuya's own eyes. She was wearing a lovely purple gown that complimented her figure and the color of her eyes.

Next to exit the carriage was a young girl that seemed to be Yuya's age. Her multicolored hair was cut aboved her chin and there was a hard expression to her orange eyes. She wore a fancy blue gown, although it was not as pretty as her mother's dress. The other girl came out last, shielding her face with a white gloved hand as the sun was momentarily too bright for her smokey blue eyes. Her hair was blue and fell to below her shoulder blades. Her gown was white and ruffled with lace. In her one hand was a tiny umbrella that Yuya guessed must help sheild her from the sun.

"Yuzu, darling. You made it." His father left his side to embrace the girl and give her a chaste kiss. Yuzu stared at the house, a small smile playing on her red lips.

"Yusho, dear, you never told me your house was this tiny. How... Cute." Yuzu said. Yusho chuckled and motioned to Yuyu to step forward. Yuya blushed and looked down at the ground. The green eyed girl glared at him while the blue haired girl gave him a sympathetic look.

"Yuzu, Rin, Selena... This is my son, Yuya." Yusho said tenderly, his gaze on his son. Yuya raised his head to look at the women again, the red blush still on his face. Yuzu's face remained expressionless as she nodded. Rin just stared and Selena gave him a small wave. Yuya waved back at her and finally remembered his manners, bowing before the girls.

"W-Welcome to our family." Yuya said. A small smile flashed across Yuzu's lips.

"Why thank you Yuya. What a charming boy you have Yusho." Yuzu said, whipping a fan out of her matching purple purse and beginning to fan herself. Yusho led Yuzu and the girls into the house while Yuya trailed behind. The servants went in behind them, going back to their regular jobs. Yusho showed the girls the rooms he had had specially made just for them. Selena loved hers and Rin said nothing as she crossed her arms over her chest. Yusho then told all the kids to go out and play while he finished showing their mother around the house. Yuya led the girls outside to the front of the house. He sat under a small tree and Selena joined him, kneeling gracefully on the ground, her white dress billowed out around her body. Rin scoffed as she stared at them.

"I want a chair. I refuse to dirty my dress by sitting on the disgusting ground!" Rin snapped, making Yuya cringe. It was the first thing she had said since she got here. Yuya obediently rose to his feet and went to fetch her something to sit on. Selena gave her sister a look.

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