Chapter #7

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Yuya blinked. And then blinked again. The man standing before him huffed again and crossed his arms over his chest. Yuya rubbed his eyes, blinking rapidly. The man did not vanish. Instead he regarded Yuya with an icy cold glare as he waited for Yuya's response. Yuya on the other hand, did not know what to say. He had thought Fairy Godmothers were supposed to be women. After all, wasn't that why they were called Godmothers?

"Um... How can you be my Fairy Godmother?" Yuya asked after a long moment of silence. Zarc rolled his eyes.

"Always, always I get asked that question. Okay listen, I know your real Fairy Godmother, but she came down sick this week. I owed her a favor and she called me in for this crap. It's not that I want to be here; I just owed the old buddy." Zarc explained. He continued to glare at Yuya. Why did the old buddy always ask him for these sort of favors whenever he owed her? He was so not a people person. Zarc watched Yuya's eyes widen and his mouth formed an o shape.

"So you're my substitute?" Yuya said. Zarc nodded and pulled a glowing stick out of one of the sleeves of his robe.

"So, how do you want to do this?" Zarc asked, getting right to the point of this encounter. Confusion shone in Yuya's vivid violet eyes as he watched Zarc give the stick a few test waves, watching pretty sparks fly off the end and vanish a second later.

"Do what?" Yuya asked. Zarc sighed.

"You do know how Fairy Godmothers work, right? We grant you a wish for a limited amount of time? So you can be happy for once in your miserable life? Come on Kid, I don't have all bloody freaking night." Zarc said, cocking a white brow at him. It clicked in Yuya's mind then and his eyes began to shine with excitement.

"You can let me go to the ball!" Yuya cheered. Zarc let out a snicker.

"Yup! Figured it out huh? Smart lad." Zarc said, his voice dripping sarcasm. "Now, since you want to go to this ball and have a good time with your Prince, you're going to need a way to get there." Zarc rolled up the sleeves of his robe and waved the wand once. A brilliant black and red carriage appeared out of nowhere, a beautiful black stallion attached to the front. Yuya's jaw dropped. The carriage looked lovely! The inside of it was done in red, and the outside was pure black with intricate red designs drawn all over it. The curtains over the carriage windows were black as well. There was a carriage driver up front, holding the reins, and there was a footman standing on the back of the carriage, and he tipped his hat to Yuya. Yuya was simply amazed.

"Oh wow!" Yuya gushed. Zarc grinned. He felt pretty proud of himself that he was able to conjure something that looked that good. He even managed to make the people look like actual people this time. He gave a mental shudder at the memory of his last attempt. He'd been banned from the wand for half a year after that incident. He shook his head to rid himself of the thought and looked at Yuya, frowning. While indeed the boy looked good, he just needed something else. There was not enough wow factor in his outfit. He wanted his charge to stand out.

"You need a new outfit." Zarc mused. Yuya turned to look at him, confused again.

"What? Why? What's wrong with my outfit?" Yuya asked.

"What's wrong is that you are going to stick out like a sore thumb. And the people there are going to be dressed way better then you. What you need is something that makes you stick out so your Prince will notice you, but that you'll look way better in." Zarc said. Yuya looked down at himself. Zarc was right. Another thought struck Yuya then, and he raised his violet eyes to connect with Zarc's yellow one's.

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