Chapter Twenty-Two

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Foxy's P.O.V.

I hide in my closet. Me and Chica were playing hide and seek. I guess. After my mom told me I was acting odd and that she thought I hated Chica I snapped out of something. I told my mom I had to go and asked Chica if she would play hide and seek. If she came and looked in the closet I would change into nightmare animatronic form and scare her. I listen as she leaves the room and talks to someone. Another person comes in and sits on my bed. I hear Chica go down the hall. I open the closet doors and see Mangle. She looks mad. My mom must have called her.

"Were you making out with Chica?" she glares, tears forming in her eyes.

"She drugged me. She told me to smell a towel and it just went all pink and sparkly. I had no idea what I was doing!" I tell her.

"Thank you for telling the truth." I sit down and she hugs me.

She starts to cry and I hug her back. I didn't know why she was crying but I still hugged her. I didn't know what five months of being pregnant could do to you before but I do now. She kisses me and I kiss her back. She hugs me tight. Chica comes back. I glare at her and growl. She backs away. Mangle looks at her. She glares, gets up, and she punches Chica in the jaw, pushes her out the door, and shuts it.

"Were did you learn how to do that?" she sits back down.

"You." she replies.

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