6. Past & Bets

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"Hey come in." I said later when I opened the door for Kevin.

Kevin stepped inside of my room and sat down on the couch.

"So, tell me what's been up since we've seen each other the last time?" He said and looked up to me as I was still standing.

I went over to the mini bar and took out two beers. I gave Kevin one and kept the other one for myself. I sat down next to him and thought about what he just said.

What did happen? I had quit my job as I was unhappy. I had a real bad breakup with my ex fiancé. And a fight with my parents.
And now I was here, starting a new job and a new life.

I told Kevin what had happened. And he looked down a bit. "Well I knew that you and Sami broke up... but he never told me why." I said and then looked at me. His expression was telling me that he wanted to know what had happened, but he didn't dare to ask.

"Well he had an affair as I had to find out, and not only one." I looked at my bottle and started peeling of the label, as I always did when I felt uncomfortable.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, If I had known I would have... " he didn't finish his sentence and I could see his hand forming to a fist.

I put my hand on his fist and looked up at him. "Don't... it's okay." I tried to smile.

I had to be honest it still hurt. It hadn't been 3 months since we had split up. I still had feelings for him, and I knew they weren't gonna go that fast, I mean I wanted to marry that guy, so of course I still had feelings. And of course, it still hurt to know that the guy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, had cheated on me more than one time.

Kevin looked at me. I could see he felt sorry for me. I didn't like people feeling sorry for me. I didn't want anyone to think I'm weak or that they think they had to protect me. I had my brother who always thought he had to protect me, so I didn't need anybody else thinking that.

"Eh so what's been up with you?" I asked to change the topic.

"Not a lot, just wrestling." He looked at me and smiled a bit.

I smiled back at him. "So, how's your brother?" He asked and took a sip from his beer.

"He's fine. Just an idiot, as usual." I laughed a bit and took a sip myself.

"What has he done this time?" He asked and smiled.

"Well since Sami his protectiveness has become a lot worse. He keeps on saying he doesn't want to see me like that anymore and that stuff, and well ... he tries to keep every guy away from me."

Kevin laughed a bit. "Good old Rollins, eh?"

I had to laugh as well.

Our conversation got interrupted when somebody knocked on the door.

"That's probably him, checking on me that I haven't got any guys in my room." I laughed and stood up.

"Well he won't be that pleased to see me then."

"Don't be silly, he knows your happily married." I smiled and went to the door.

"What's up Se-" I started saying as I opened the door but stopped when I saw somebody else standing in front of me.

"Oh, eh Hey Finn, what are you doing here?" I smiled and went to the side for him to step in.

He stepped in and lifted his arm to show me my gym bag. "You left this in my car, and as your leaving tomorrow, I thought I might bring it over.

I smiled and took the bag. "Thanks very much." I said and closed the door again.

"You want a beer?" I asked and dropped the bag next so my suitcase.

Finn looked around and saw Kevin. "Oh, hey Owens." He smiled. Kevin stood up and they both greeted each other with a hand shake.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you had a visitor, I'm not gonna interrupt you any longer." Finn said and wanted to turn around.

"Don't be silly I said and gave him a beer I got out of the mini bar and told him to sit down. I sat myself on the bed across to the couch and looked over to the guys.

"How did you know witch room I had?" I asked Finn.

He took a sip of his beer and looked to me. "I asked Ambrose." He said.

I smiled and nodded. "So, I bet he will tell Seth and he will be here in about 20 minutes." I laughed and looked at the guys.

Kevin laughed as well. "Hmm I don't think it'll take that much time. I'll give him 10 minutes."

"20 bugs? " Kevin nodded and we shook hands to make it official.

Finn looked confused back and forth between Kevin and me.

"You wanna make a bet as well?" I laughed and looked at him.

Finn shook his head. "I better not mess with your brother. He already doesn't like me so I'm not gonna push it any further."

"Very wise of you." I laughed.

"Why doesn't Seth like you?" Kevin asked and looked at Finn but before he could say anything I answered. "That's the question, nobody has an answer to." I replied.

Overprotective Idiot Where stories live. Discover now