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6 months earlier

"Dad!" I cry as I slide across the floor on my knees.

"No no no no" I whimper, I place my hands on his chest and start chanting a spell hoping for his heart to jump back to life.

"Daddy, please don't leave me" my bottom lip trembles as tears leave my eyes.

I look down at the claw marks running up my fathers body, "werewolf" I mutter.

I wipe the blood away from his mouth, "find peace father, it's what you deserve" a loud sob leaves my mouth.

He's gone, he's really gone. I shakily stand up and look around my living room, blood is splattered everywhere, on the walls, floor and even the ceiling.

Quickly pulling out my phone and calling my mother, her ring tone blare throughout the dark house.

"No" a shiver of fear runs through my body and I leap up the stars following the sound of my mothers ring tone.

I swing open the bathroom door, screaming when I see my mothers blood splattered around the room.

"Mother!" I yell, my knees collapse inwards, reaching for her body and pulling her towards me.

"Why!" I scream. The lights flicker around me as I continue to scream as loud as I possibly can.

I cradle her head in my lap as my wet tears slide down my face. My head jerks up towards the door in realisation.

"Emily!" I stumble out of the bathroom and into the quiet hallway.

"Connor!" I yell again. I run into the twins room, swinging their door open, my body goes numb when I also see their lifeless bodies on the ground.

"NO" I scream, the lights flicker and sway as I clench my fists. I fall to the ground, grasping my little sisters pink bear in my hands.

I can feel my magic leaving my body in powerful forces. Everything in the twins rooms shake and break.

I can feel my energy leaving quickly as I continue to sob into my arms, as my final scream of sorrow leaves my mouth the entire house shakes.

After what seemed like hours laying in my siblings bedroom crying for them to comeback to me, I slowly stand up.

Carefully placing Emily's bear on her bed, I make my way over to her body. Carefully lifting her small frame up and cradling her.

I leave the room with my 6 year old sisters body and walk down stairs placing her on the ground next to my fathers body.

"Find peace little sister, you were loved very much" I cover my mouth to hold my sobs in.

Next I walk run up stairs and lift my mothers body with my magic and carefully float her down stairs, placing her body next to Emily's.

Repeating the same words to my mother and kissing her forehead I again make my way up stairs.

Everything seems to be moving in slow motion as I carefully hold my brothers body in my arms.

I also place him next to my mother, "I love you all" my voice cracks. Finding the closest bottle of alcohol I drown their bodies in it as well as everything in the lounge room.

Before I set the house a light I quickly go up stairs and into my parents room, I shove my fathers shirt and my mothers perfume into a bad along with anything else that is valuable to me.

Once I've packed the bag I walk into the twins room, I place my sisters stuffed bear, my brothers toy giraffe and some pictures of the twins into another bag.

Finally I walk into my room and pack many bags with my clothes and other valuables I will need.

I can't stay here, not when my family was murdered in this very house.

Everything goes so quickly, next thing I know I'm throwing all the bags into my small car. I race back inside and walk into my lounge room for the very last time.

"I'm sorry" I whisper as I set a match on fire and throw it to the ground.

"Whoever did this, I promise I will kill them even if it results in my own death" I sneer angrily.

From that day forward I kept to my promise, the next six months I searched and searched and searched for the person that killed my family.

Finally after many months of looking I found him in a small town hours away.

I never thought I would be going back to the town I was born in, the town I grew up in. If it means that I get to finally have revenge on the man that killed my family, then so be it.

Jumping into my car and driving away, preparing myself for the next few hours of driving.

"Here I come Beacon Hills"

hi everyone!! Thank you so much for clicking on my book, this is only just the prologue, I promise it will get better!

Please stick around I'll be updating as much as I can!

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to @httpmaden for this amazing idea that she gave me! I'll try and make it as good as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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Witchcraft // Derek Hale Where stories live. Discover now