Chemo and Tucker

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On monday I slept in late, and I was still soozing when someone walked in the door. All of  the sudden someone jumped on me. My green eyes popped open, and I sqealed as I was enveloped in a huge bear hug.We stood in the room hugging. Nothing awkward or strange, two best friends embracing. I heard a click and I turned to see my mom holding my laptop camera taking pictures. 

"I missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said through tears. He swiped away my tears and held my face. We never had a romantic experianece but this made me think what it would be like. 

" You have no clue,  I think about you every day, umm can we go to the cafeteria and eat something. I nodded and grabbed some yellow sweatpants and a baby blue over sized sweatshirt. I walked out of the bathroom and when I got out there he came around and grabbed a giggling me and carried me, bridal style to a boothe in the cafeteria. I laughed as he bowed after he sat me down. "Did you enjoy your ride, Maddame?" He asked in a british accent. 

" Well," I say immatating his accent," The service could have been a wee bit better." I say pointing my nose up at him. Then he got down on his knees grabbed my hand and kissed it. I giggled.

"How is dis' mam?" He said. I laughed. People were now staring, but we didn't care the buddies were back together. He got up and sat down, a solemn look appeared on his face. "What now?" I give him a questioning look, telling him to go on. " I mean I cant go back to Brazil not knowing if your Okay or not. I will facetime you everyday at five O' clock. We could get together whenever you can come up here. It won't be bad." I said, but one look at my weary face and my skin and bones body could say differently. I saw the tears forming in his eyes.

" I... I couldn't bare to lose you, Your my best friend. I... I love you." Tears welled up in my eyes. 

Without hesitation I answered, '' I love you too." Then we did something we had never done before. We leaned in and kissed. When we pulled away and our eyes locked. I had a flash back

 ..."Hey, Tucker!!!!" I said my top tooth had fallen out so it gave me a whisp. I had just turned six and Tucker had just came over for a spend the night party. I sqealed when he ran in and picked me up on his shoulders. He carried me outside to our pool and threw me in. My Mommy was watching so we played for hours, until it started to rain. We went inside and each got a shower, then we got in the tent that was set up in our den. We had cookies and chips, and a whole pack of sodas. We had a contest to see who could eat the most and Tuck won.  When we were done we faced our sleeping bags face first toward each other and we played truth or dare. When it got late we just played truth. I looked into his eyesand felt joy.....

I felt that same joy now as six year old me did then. I smiled. We had a good lunch then went back to the room. Many tears were shed and when we got back to my room I was exhausted. He lay me down on my bed and I slept with him sitting there holding my hand. I slept until I woke up to the nurse. Time for chemo ,hun. She said smiling. Two men nurses came and wheeled me in to a scary blank white room. They tried the PO method, but I can't take pills, or I will choke, then they tried the IV method were they tried to use an IV but couldn't find a vein, so they had to use the most painful way. They took a needle and used the IM method which is where they stuck the needle in my muscle and let it drip for hours. I sat there for four hours. When it was done and they unhooked me I emmediatly went and threw up in the bathroom.Then one of the big nurses, named steven, carried me bidal style back to my room. I felt awful and my stomach felt like it was in my throat. I laid on my bed groaning when Tucker came in he got in my bed and laid my head on his shoulder. I cried from the pain and realization that I wouldn't always have him here with me. I fell asleep. The next day I was mostion less. Nurse Anne offered me food I dry heaved because I had nothing in my body to throw up. They hooked me up to a fluid machine and had to poke me several times to find my vein. I lost so much wieght so rapidly they put a fulll time nurse on me. Dr. Simms visited me constantly growing more and more worried each day. On saturday Tucker had to leave. I hugged him and his broad shoulders wrapped around my weak body. I now weigh 89 Ilbs He hugged me and I could feel his warm tears rolling down my neck. Who knows this coulzdd be the last time I saw him. I sobbed so hard that I felt faint. I looke dup into his chocolate eyes, the pain in leaving me was very obvious. I looked at him pain in my eyes. Then I collapsed and he held me up. Holding me as a very good friend would do. I leaned on him for support, he was my prottection. This, right Here  is were I wanted to be for my life. I closed my eyes and he layed me down on my bed, covered me up and kissed me. I loved him. He was crying as he kissed me and I could feel his sobs as he hugged me one last time. When he left I rolled over and cried and cried until I had cried my self to sleep.

Tuckers POV***

I can't believe I left her. What if she dies while I'm gone. She looks like one touch could brake her and I can't believe I'm not with her. It breaks me not to be right inside that hospital holding her hand. I always got her in trouble I thought thinking about all the fun we'd had together.

Audrie Daniel DaleWhere stories live. Discover now