I was just at a party and someone at the party said something that I felt like I had heard before. This event is known Deja vu. In my own words is your brain picturing something ( some sort of phrase that someone says or a specific action) then later on witnessing it hands on. This is something that happens often for most people. But this certain, Deja vu got me thinking. Let me tell you.
What if our physical bodies are in the future but our brain processes to slow for it to keep up so what we are seeing is actually the past even though we see it as the future. In case that was confusing let me help you.
Every time you blink a mili second it lost in your memory, it's impossible to think of that because it never came through so you are technically in the past but by SO little that it's impossible to tell. But what if that happened at a greater length. So let's say that in what we see through our eyes that year is 2016, but in reality it's.... 50 years in the future. The problem is is that our brains can't process that fast in order to catch up to reality.
Tell me what you guys think our this strange and random thought that I had. PS: sorry for posting at midnight, I got home late and I didn't want to forget this.
Short StoryHere are a bunch of random short stories that I come up with whenever I really want to honestly. So, I hope you enjoy them.