тaвle oғ conтenтѕ.

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Table of Contents

01 // hazel green and wedding rings.

02 //  frappes and naps.

03 // apple cinnamon.

04 // warm and windy.

05 // sticky situations and eerie feelings.

06 // asking, not telling.

07 // crisp bills and tablecloth.

08 // a piece of art.

09 // moving day and mini heart-attacks.

10 // black hat.

11 // lipstick and lingerie. 

12 // a friend named tone. 

13 // a confession.

14 // neither was he.

15 // pointing fingers.

16 // out on top.

17 // not so blank disc.

18 // blessing or a curse.

19 // a wren.

20 // stick around.

21 // baby beluga.

22 // beautiful inside and out.

23 // blank canvas.

24 // more valuable than van gogh.

25 // do anything, be anything.

26 // charlotte.

27 // epilogue pt.1

28 // epilogue pt.2

00 // new story.

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