A New Friend

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Mike tried to open his eyes but couldn't. Mike rubbed his eyes and felt fur like material on his eyes he opened them to reviel that he was in the parts and service room on the table he had died on? "Pleas tell me this is haven" mike said as he looked down only to reviel gray fur on his boddie "son of a biscuit" mike said as he tried to get up but he couldn't he turned to see foxy sitting there.

"Mike you're awake" said a femal voice he turned to reviel chica standing there with a smile.

"Lad you're awake" foxy said helping Mike up.

"Wh...where..am...I..why do I have a aick in my neck"Mike said when it hit him he has died and brought back to live by something.

"H...how am I alive" said Mike.

"That's because this place has supernatural powers when you died in the suit these powers helped you poses the well suit or endoskeloten when we took out youre corps and put a endoskeloten in the suit you posesed the endoskeloten" chica said helping foxy get Mike up.

"Mike" Bonnie said coming in.

"Hey how you like you're new boddie" Freddy asked walking in behind Bonnie.

"I....don't....know I mean I can't even stand up yet" said Mike.

"Here lad let me help you up" said foxy.

"Th....thank you foxy" Mike said while foxy helped him up.

"K lad let's go you will get used to you're new boddie" said foxy helping Mike out of the parts and service room.

As they exited the parts an service room they headed to the main stage.

"Sit here lad I got something for ya" foxy said after he sat Mike down.

Foxy ran to pirates cove. Mike could hear some racket from pirate cove foxy ran back out with a piece of paper.

"The gang and I when you first came made something for you I hope you accept it" foxy said giving Mike the paper.

The paper read New friend and was good detail of Mike in his suit with the gang. Chica was hugging Mike with a heart between them. Foxy was holding Mike's shoulder. Freddy was behind mike. Bonnie was giving Mike a piece of pizza. The one that cought Mike's eyes were chica hugging Mike.

"Huh so chica loves me" Mike thought as he lowered the paper to see all of them standing like they were on the piece of paper chica hugged him fox held Mike's shoulder Freddy stood behind him and Bonnie handed him a piece of pizza.

"Thanks guys" Mike said grabbing the pizza.

"Lad sorry for well what happend last night but"

"Its ok you can just drop it I'm a well was a grown man I excepted what happened it's obvious I can't change the past" Mike said interrupting foxy

"You're not mad" said chica

"No. In matter of fact I'm kinda happy I mean you made me a lot more happy with the picture and then the poses like you did in the picture thank you a lot" Mike said

"Mike I have something to say" chica say

"I know you love me and well I'm happy with that" Mike said then kissed chica on the forehead.

"How about we have some fun" Mike said then corrected himself

"With games" Mike jumped to say.

Auther/well that was another short chapter so Mike you're sticking around the pizzeria.

Mike/well I have to the supernatural powers won't let me I know you're games.

Auther/ well you like it there anyway so just take car if you die I can't wrote this story sorry dismantle and join us next chapter.

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