3: Time difference

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I take no credit for the creation of the guild mark

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I take no credit for the creation of the guild mark. I just changed the colours.

>Your P.O.V<

The entire guild was celebrating. There was booze galore, and a girl with medium length dark hair had already drunk over three barrels worth, and still wasn't collapsing. You noticed a card pouch, and thought you might go and introduce yourself. You decided to start with a cautious approach.

"How are you?"

"HAHAHA! I'm not drunk yet, if that's what you're asking."

"I noticed you're a card magic user. I also use cards. My name is Y/n."

"Huh, so you just recently joined. Want some booze?" She offered you a full tankard. "By the way, my name is Cana. Nice to meet you."

"Sorry, I try to avoid drinking. But thanks."

A man with receding pale brown hair leaned into the conversation "You might want to wait until Cana isn't drinking if you want to have a serious conversation." He said conspiratorially.

"I HEARD YOU THAT YOU OLD MAN!!" The "old man" received a tankard to the head from the brunette.

"Name's Gildarts. Nice to meet you." You smiled awkwardly. Time to move on and meet other people.

"... Grand Magic Games..."

You payed closer attention. The master was having a conversation with some of the members. You'd heard of these Games in passing, but this was actually the first time you'd heard more about it. Macao was arguing strongly against it. Then Romeo mentioned that the winners received 30 million Jewel. The master immediately made a decision.

"RIGHT! We're joining the Grand Magic Games!"

The argument continued for a while, but the Master was adamant.

In the end, the team, consisting of Lucy, Natsu, Erza, Gray, and Wendy decided to go on a three month training camp.

>Time Skip< Brought to you by the Super Spot-Billed Duck Squad (First person to get the reference gets a shoutout and a potential follow)

You'd decided to go along with the team to the beach. I could use some stamina training. And who knows, I might find something interesting to add to my magic. You got there, and everyone else started doing there own thing. Natsu was spurting flames out from underneath the water's surface. A small stream of fire was going horizontally across the surface away from the main section, but it shrank as it went. You ended up arranging a daily schedule of endurance training. Included was swimming, running, collecting things you could use in battle, and bodily muscle training. Basically a full out training, every day for three months. You'd also decided to have a large bonfire every night. Time to begin the program...

A/N: When you want to type Natsu and auto-correct tries to be helpful... "Ants"

It was the second day of training, but for some reason, the others were nowhere to be seen. The next three months of training went by quite fast. You were used to being alone. The others still didn't show up. Then, with five days remaining until the games, they turned up. In the end, none of them had trained at all. They had been in the stellar spirit world the whole time, and because of the time warp, they'd only been there one day in their time sense.

Erza and Natsu immediately began planning a training regime without sleep. Right as Erza was about to go off running, a message in the form of a pigeon carrier arrived. The contents of the note were "Dear Fairy Tail, come to the broken suspension bridge on the hill." Natsu and Gray immediately decided that the author of the note was being to cocky in ordering them around. Wendy, Charle, Levi, and Lucy all seemed to think it was a trap.

"Wait, let's check it out" The pigeon seemed to have settled in on top of Erza's head.

"I agree." They all looked at you. "I mean, what if they want to help?"

On top of the hill was a large cleft in the earth with fast-flowing water going underneath. The only thing remaining of the bridge itself were the support pylons and the rotted remains of some of the boards. Nobody was there other than the Fairy Tail members. All of a sudden, a pale glow filled the air. Old boards were renewed, fallen ones floated back up, and the bridge was in a matter of seconds completely usable.

"It's connected to the other bank" Gray had his hands in his pockets.

"Telling us to cross it then." Erza clearly thought it was a good idea to cross the bridge.

Wendy was getting scared.

"This looks interesting!"

"Alright. Go!" Gray shoved Natsu onto the bridge. It held steady, and Natsu stumbled on until about halfway. The bridge looked like it wasn't about to revert to it's original state, so you crossed as well. The bridge was bouncing up and down. Natsu suddenly hung his head over the railing, then looked back up with his hand clamped over his mouth. Ugh... I'd heard about motion sickness, but a suspension bridge!? Natsu rushed over to the other end, and immediately looked fine. You were still halfway across. The others walked up to you. You must have looked a little worried, because Lucy said "Don't worry, Y/n. You'll be safe with us!" You nodded, but the fact that it was Lucy who was telling you that... It was a little misleading, on her part.

Everybody kept walking down the dirt path on the other side. It was in a darkened tunnel of trees that three cloaked silhouettes appeared, blocking the light. You narrowed your eyes. You could rely on the others to protect you, but you were still unsure about what the effects of the cards would do. Especially since you only had one deck on you. Everyone was tense. The figures approached, and then removed their hoods. Erza's expression immediately changed.

"Jellal!" Her voice was hardly audible.

They started having a conversation about how he had escaped from prison. Well, it's not surprising that this crazy guild is acquainted with one of the worst mass-murderers of this age.

"I at least want to help the people whose lives I messed up." The girl with the long dark hair was speaking. "I'm responsible for what happened at the tower of heaven." In the end though, they weren't aiming for mass-murder. "Every year at the Grand Magic Games, we sense a strange power. We want you to help us investigate."

"If there's strange magic present while all the guilds of Fiore are assembled, we're at risk too." Erza was more serious than you'd ever seen her before at this point.

"We'll pay your fee in advance." That girl... I think her name's Ultear.

"Food expenses!!" Natsu, Happy, and Lucy immediately all looked at her.

"No, I didn't mean money." Ultear smiled. "My time ark can raise your abilities. 'Power Up', would be similar, but that's not what it really is." She launched into a long explanation about latent magical ability. Everyone cheered. This was turning out to be interesting.

"I don't really get it, but—" Natsu was cut off.

"However! You will battle against excruciating pain."

Natsu grabbed Ultear around the waist and rubbed his head against her chest. Perv! You thought to yourself as Natsu spoke.

"You seem more and more like a real woman!" Everyone was cheering and hugging each other, regardless of guild. Even Jellal was looking on with a genuine smile on his face.

Except Erza, who was looking at Jellal with a small, slightly agitated frown on her face.

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