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I don't know how to act around him. I don't know whether to cry or to laugh,or act like he's a friend. I don't even know if I want him around,or if i even want to call him a friend.He tries so hard to get back in , and i try so hard not to acknowledge him, Bc i know once I do , I'll let him back in. Lagging with his weight on my back . He has gone from everything to nothing . and i'm done worrying , if he's ok ,or if I'm ok. Bc  even if i'm not feeling ok now , i will be soon . and it will be through. I'm stronger on my own, being with him was me basically waiting to have my heart ripped to shreds . I loved him blah blah blah , he broke my heart , end of story . I'm done fighting for everyone else other than myself . I'm a person too , I have feelings , goals. And its about damn time , I start living for my self . And it starts now. I can't and won't back down from this . ever. this is my final decision. I've let go , how ab you? bye jacob.

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