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It started out as a normal day for me, lilac was playing in the garden with her pet bunny witch was kinda funny because my parents named her after a flower.Oh by the way I'm wolf I know it's not a name that's traditionally normal but then what is normal. When people meet me they say "Oh wow never mind I don't want to be friends with someone with such a strange name so bye." So I'm a loner and it's strange when lilac's friends come over and I just say "Shoo" and they just laugh so even five year old kids think I'm the most strange person on earth.So I just go to my music and story's .I've been writhing a story about dragons witch means I've also been drawing them so I have NO time for my music witch suck's because I have a singing Blog channel but I mean it has no followers so it's not to bad but still it's the way I come out of the dark

                                                               The dragons view

I'm so bored the chosen one will never come. Why can't I go to the chosen one and tell them that they are the chosen one to defend everyone from the dark army. Like to be onset she will never figure out that she is the only one who can defend the world from the dark army. You know what I am going to go tell her. Wings...check  feet....check lets fly.

                                                                     Wolfs view
*some time later* Um what's that in the sky.(wolf gets blown over by the dragon)"W..W what are you?Who are you? Are you going to eat me?"I said  very scared"No why would I." Said the dragon"Um maybe because your a dragon and dragons eat people"I said"Well who told you that"said the dragon"Um.....Well it's just a well known fact"I said"U Uh well guess WHAT"said the dragon"W...W...What"I said"That's a legend and legends aren't true " said the dragon " Well dragons are a legend and here you are standing right in front of me"I said confidently "I'm here because there is some parts of legend that are true and by the way the part were it says that all dragons are mean and bad(the dragon starts to talk sadly)well they aren't at least I'm not"said the dragon"oh I didn't want to make you feel sad,oh now I feel bad"I said
"Well my name is Rocky and I am you guardian dragon"said Rocky"oh well my name is wolf,u I mean olive I mean lilac no my name is Megan"I said"I know what your name is how do you think I found you wolf"said rocky"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME YOU.......YOU CREEPY DRAGON!"I said"uh because I'm you guardian dragon stupid head,So let's go"said rocky.."..........."like now"said rocky again"ok fine"I said

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