Chapturb Un

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Foop scrolled through reddit on his phone, up-voting and down-voting posts, with the occasional comment. Eventually, his friend Doop sent him a message, asking if Foop knew about an epidemic that had just occurred.

Doop soon explained that a group of unidentified Sacrohiix had begun terrorizing the town, and that they had last been spotted heading in the direction that Foop's neighborhood was located. Almost immediately Foop panicked, stuffing his phone into his pocket and running to his basement, which had a crawlspace hidden in its guest room. He reserved it for emergencies only.  He pulled open the door and crawled inside, turning around and shutting the small door behind him in the fairly cramped space.

He pulled out his phone to see 15 messages, quickly unlocking it and letting Doop know he was okay.

But at that very moment there was a loud noise.


The fairly low roof above him splintered and broke open as a complete stranger fell through the floorboards into the crawlspace.

"HOLY MOTHER OF SPAGITINI ON A FRENCH FRY WHO ARE YOU?!?!!?" Foop screamed with terror. The stranger dramatically looked up at Foop, sparkles dazzling in his eyes, "It is I, Lord Spoogatooni."

Foop gasped, "The one, the only?"

"The only one." Spoogatooni replied.

Foop stuffed his phone into his pocket as Doop's frantic messages flooded the screen, Lord Spoogatooni took Foop by the hand, and they disappeared from reality.

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