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sam | louis tomlinson a.u.


It was one of the more miserable mornings in Samantha Hastings' flat.

Her best friend, model, Brandon Higgings had slept over at her flat last night and it was no surprise to Sam when she awoke this morning to find Brandon eating a plate of waffles drowned in syrup on the sofa bed he had slept on the previous night and a room with counters covered in flour, eggs and butter that looked as if a tornado had passed through that used to look like a kitchen.

When the two first met over six years ago, it was the beginning of Sam's career as an actress while Brandon had been modeling for a year or so. The fifteen year old actress and the sixteen year old model couldn't stand each other and could not be in the same room for more than five minutes.

Neither could remember what happened to turn them both into friends but they had been what Brandon described as 'bestie-wesies' for a little bit over two years and although Sam loved him like a brother, Brandon was a slob and she wasn't afraid to yell it to his face.

The heat had gone out in another one of Sam's best friends and costars' flat, actress, Kara Fanning, and since it was dead winter and Sam's flat was just down the hall from Kara's, she dragged her grumpy butt down to Sam's flat and proceeded to bang on the door until Brandon opened it.

Due to the fact that neither Kara nor Sam were 'morning people' and Kara's knocking had awoken Sam, the two had been locked in a deadly stare-off. That is until Brandon broke them out of the stare-off with the one thing that Kara loved more than life and was constantly swooning over.

"Hey, Kar. Louis Tomlinson's doing an interview. Isn't he that actor you like?" Brandon spoke, wrinkling his brow.

Kara immediately perked up, completely forgetting her stare-off with Sam, turning all her attention to the television and every word that was coming out of Louis' mouth.

"That actor she likes?" Sam scoffed, rolling her eyes at the dreamy-eyed Kara and her obsession over the actor, "More like the guy she's obsessed with and claims she's destined to marry. She's such a fangirl you almost forget for a moment that she's a famous actress with millions of people fangirling over her."

"Ah, you mean like you and Josh Hutcherson,"  Brandon teased, winking at the brunette.

Sam pouted as she felt the heat rush to her cheeks, "I'm a Hunger Games fan. Shoot me if you will, but at least I'm not like drooly over there," she spoke, gesturing to Kara.

Brandon chuckled, ruffling Kara's hair only for her to slap away his hand and return to watching Louis on the television.

"I have to agree with you on your Tommo-Hate," Brandon chuckled, grinning when Sam glared at him.

"I don't have Tommo-Hate. I've never even seen a movie that he's in. I just think he's a tad obnoxious and that Kara should stop drooling over my tv set,"

"I make no such promises," Kara spoke, flashing Sam a smile before turning back to the television.

"He's just another pretty face," Brandon shrugged, "Nothing special really,"

"Says someone who is payed and known world-wide only because he has a pretty face," Sam retorted, smiling when Brandon narrowed his piercing blue eyes into slit in her direction. 

"Shh!" Kara exclaimed, "They're saying something about our new movie!"

"Our new movie? You mean 'Summer Of Jevie?' " Sam questioned almost grimacing at the weird, cliche and cheesy title the writers had come up with.

"No," Kara spat sarcastically, "Because that is not the only movie you and I have starred in together,"

Sam rolled her eyes, turning her attention to the interview on the tv.

"And that's all with Louis Tomlinson folks!" The interviewer exclaimed.

"Argh! You made me miss the last bit you booger!" Kara exclaimed, tossing a pillow in Sam's direction.

"And don't forget to catch him in his new movie 'Summer Of Jevie' coming out this summer where he'll be co-starring with award winning actresses, Samantha Hastings and Kara Fanning as Samantha's love interest,"

And in that moment as Kara and Brandon's eyes went wide and as they turned to look at Sam, the only words that could exit the young actresses mouth were, and I quote,

"Oh. Holy. Shit." 


So here we go! Prolooguee.

Sorry for the long wait. Wi-fi probs. :'c.

So not realy sure about this one but I introduced Kara and Brandon and you got a tad bit insight on Sam. You'l get a deeper look on the character's personalities in the first chapter.

As I said before, not really sure about this one soo... Leave feedback?

Thanks for the votes and comments. Really appreciated :).

Dedicatied to tmlsons for my cover :). Thanks again, hun. Really appreciated. x


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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