Chapter 11: Girlfriends and Heartbreaks

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Chapter 11

Girlfriends and Heartbreaks

I wake up in a messy room. My head hurts a little, but I can manage. I look around the room. It's not my room, so where am I?

I look to my left and see a pillow. Then I look to my right and see a boy. I start to freak out. Did I do something with this stranger?

I look at the person again. I let out a sigh of relief. It's just Cameron.

Cameron?! I start to freak out again. Did we....? Then it all comes back to me.

Laser tag, and playing on the Xbox. His mother coming home, me falling and hitting my head, the meds, his body..... That's all that happened.

I look at him again. He is asleep. He looks peaceful when he's sleeping. I just stare at him for a while.

It's only 11:00 so school is still going on. I look at my phone and see there are text from Anna and Drew asking where I am. I tell them that I got caught up with something. Well I'm not lying. I did get caught up with something. Or someone.

I hear Cameron stir. I look back at him and see that it looks like he is about to get up. Instead his arms find my waist and pull me back to him. I blush.

"Cameron." I say quietly. He doesn't move.

"I know you're awake." I say a little louder.

"Bo ack oo eep." he mutters.

"What?" I ask.

"Go back to sleep." he mutters again.

"Well could you let go of me please." I ask not really wanting him to let go.

"No. I'm cold and you are now my teddy bear/ heater system from now on." he says still half sleep.

"No I'm not so let go." I try to get out of his grasp.

"No." he pulls me back.

"Yes now let me go." I say trying to push him away. He just pulls me back. I give up.

"Good girl." he says patting my head.

"I'm not you dog nor am I you bear or heater." I say back to him.

"But you are cute." He says. He must still be sleep.

"No I'm not." I say blushing again. Why do I keep blushing?!

"Yes you are and don't let anyone tell you different." he says as he kisses my check. I'm just laying here shocked.

"You know what, you're not cute. You are beautiful." he says before going back to sleep.

Ok. What just happened? A hot guy that I like just kissed me and told me that I am beautiful. Oh my heart.

I sit there just thinking of that for about 45 minutes.

He kissed me and told me I am beautiful.

He kissed me and told me I am beautiful.

He kissed me and told me I am beautiful.

He kissed me and told me I am beautiful.

Then I hear Cameron moving. He pulls his hands off of my waist and gets up. I pretend that I am sleep.

"Bree...." he says but I don't get up. "Oh well." he says as his hand touches my face and moves my hair out of the way.

"Definitely beautiful." I hear him whisper. He kisses my forehead and leaves. I hear his door close and I open my eyes.

What's with all the kisses? Even though I don't mind at all.

I get up and leave his room. I go looking for Cameron. I hear him in the kitchen.

"Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe." he sings as he cooks pancakes.

"Is this a bad time because I don't want to interrupt your singing?" I say startling him.

"Oh... uh....hey Bree." He says embarrassed that I caught him singing to one of the most girlish songs in the world.

"So you can cook?" I ask forgetting about him singing. And the kissing think.

"Yeah. My mom is a great cook so I guess I am decent at it." he says flipping a pancake.

"Why pancakes? I mean I look them but it's almost noon." I ask.

"Because I like pancakes and I didn't get any today." he says back.

"Alrighty then. Let's eat pancakes!" I say excitingly. My screaming makes my head hurt again. I hold my hand up to my head.

"It still hurts?" he asks.

"Yeah." I say.

He gets some ice and holds it to my head for me. I am stuck staring into his gorgeous eyes.

"Here. Hold this and I'll bring your food." He says letting go of the ice pack.

He brings some pancakes, eggs, and bacon. He takes the ice pack away.

"You know what will make your head feel better?"

"What?" I manage to get out before his lips touch my forehead.

He steps back and stares at me.

"You are so beautiful." he says before putting his lips to mine.

My hands tangle up in his hair while his hands are on my legs. This feels so right.

We sit there making out for about 10 minutes when his phone rings. He looks annoyed that it ruined our kisses. He answers it.

"Hello." he says into the phone. He pauses I guess while the other person talks.

"Yeah. Sure." he says then hangs up.

"Who was that?" I ask him.

"Nobody." he says as he pulls me back in for a kiss. It's wonderful.

He pulls back and I whimper. He laughs.

"I am just going to the bathroom." he smiles. He leaves out of the room.

Wow. Making out with Cameron was... wow.

I look at the table and see that his phone is there. I pick it up and look at it. Then someone calls. I answer it.

"Hello." I say.

"Who is this?" the female voice snaps at me.

"Uh Bree. Who is this?" I ask back already annoyed with this girl.

"This is Nicole." she says irritated. "Where is Cameron?" she snaps again.

"The bathroom. Who are you to him?" I ask.

"His girlfriend." she says. "Now give the phone to Cameron."

I am shocked. I didn't know that he had a girlfriend. And the worse thing is that he just made out with me. I thought he was different.

I hang up the phone and start crying. How could he do this to me? I know that I'm not his girlfriend but why get my hopes up if he already has one?

He comes out of the bathroom. He sees my crying.

"What's wrong?" he asks while lifting my head up.

"D-Don't freaking touch me you jerk!" I yell.

"Wha- Why? What did I do?" he asks.

"You have a girlfriend and you didn't tell me!" I yell some more.

"Look Bree I am sorry. I'll make it up to you. I really like you. Just hear me out." he pleads.

"No. I'm leaving." I get up and storm out of the house. What a jerk. I walk to my house and go to the front door. I unlock it and go inside.

This is why I don't have relationships at all. I always get my heart broken. I can't let myself get attached and that's exactly what I did. I promised myself I wouldn't let my heart break again after what happen that night.

It was freshman year. I was walking to class when a boy ran into me and I dropped my books.

"I am so sorry." I say to the boy. He was the most popular sophomore at the school.

"It's alri-" he stops after he looks in my eyes.

After that we start going out. We went out on dates and the whole school knew. I felt in love. Then one day after school he was suppose to drive me home.

I walk to his car and look inside to see if he is already there. He is, but with some other girl. And they are making out!

He sees me and looks shocked. He starts to get out of the car, but I run home. I am heartbroken. That is when I promise myself never to get attached again.

I have broken that promise and now I am a mess. Cameron tries to call me but I don't answer. He also knocks on the door but I don't answer that either.

He broke my heart.


And the secret is out!

Hey guys. What did you think of this chapter? We actually have some Young and the Restless drama here! I can't believe I just made that joke. Who thought that they were going to start going out when you saw the title? And who knew she was going to get her heart broken? Tell the truth!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

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