The day i met him!

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I am me j nd this is my life story
Alex: the mestery boy
Farah: best friend
Alisha (chusni): bitch of the school
Summaya: the minion
Mejbeen: the other minion
Nina: my sister
Mona: best friend #2
Description of myself: i am stubborn, get angry really quick I can't tolerate wrong or lies i never speak lie nd don't expect it frm anyone i want my life to be perfect.
                              The story begins.....
I was sitting in the class nd suddenly farah comes frm nowhere nd said "good morning idiot" I addressed ugh I didn't see that comin so what's up? Gosh u won't believe who's ugly face i just saw replied farah. Don't tell me its chusni (chusni is alisha's nick name we gave her cuz she sucks). Yep u r right it was her gosh I don't understand what her problem is?. Yeah i never get it either. Btw forget it I don't care about her she's a weirdo. Then suddenly the principal's assistant arrived: me j the principle would like to have a word with u. Yeah sure I'll be there I replied with a annoying look on my face. Then at the principal's door : may i come in miss?. The principal replied Yeah get in i want to ask u what u said to alisha? Me me n n noo i never talk to her she was in my class nd i just asked her to leave thats all cuz she was irritating me. Irritating u who u think u r to tell anyone to get out u don't own the school me j i am tired of u i am going to write a warning letter to your parents that enough I've had enough of your lies. Excuse me miss i am telling the truth plz believe me i am not lying, i was about to cry but then I control my tears. Me j u r annoying u r dumb u have no sense u don't know how to respect your seniors wht did your parents tought u? ( actually alisha have been comin for tutions to the principle nd her name is sheda. Nd yeah sheda life is money nothing else she ruin people's life with her cruel words nd acts she is really mean nd she hates me cuz chusni asked her to nd she also think that she is the god.she really like chusni cuz she is kinda rich). Now go to your class me j. Yeah yeah ok i replied i could see alisha smiling. I left nd then i met farah she asked me about the whole thing nd i told her everything. (Let me give u a brief description about my school the name is jfis it has the worst teachers nd the worst principle some of the teachers r cool but the rest r bitches especially the indian trust me stay away frm indians the r mean not all of them but some r. So this school's teachers hate me cuz i have a style i have a standard nd a reputation which they try to ruin always) back to the story: she confronted me with her nice words nd told me everything is going to be okay nd i believed her. After the school* i met farah, nina my sista nd i told her everything nd we could see the evil smile on chusni's face. Me,nina nd farah said the fight is on. Then i left nd on my way home (i always walk home cuz i like to walk  the fresh air its a amazing). I was texting my mom sayin I'll be home in 15 mins nd i bummed into someone. He was tall, smart had six packs, handsome green eyes, brown hair, pink lips nd hot dressing. Ohh am soo sorry I didn't notice someone was comin am sooo sorry i said. Nah its ok i am sorry actually it was my fault as well am sorry he replied. Nd i walked away till the time i reach home I couldn't get his face off my brain. Gosh he was sooo hot. I was finally home ahh home sweet home, i went straight to my room nd changed my clothes into something comfy ate food nd was lying on the bed. I decided to listen to some music when i got my hand in my bag i found that my earphones were missing. Shittt! I must've missed them when I bummed into that guy gosh wht should i do now. I hope i find him those earphones were my fav.
Wht will happen next will me j find the guy?
Nd wht do the mean by the fight is on?
Is nina planning to do something?
Nd wht will your parents do after they receive the letter?
Find out in 2 chapter of my life story
Author: guyz am trying my best plzz do read it nd if there is anything wrong plz let me know this means a lot to me plz everyone
Love -M

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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