The Dream

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Right as i was saying "will you marry me" i woke up to

"Hey im home"

"Hey i just had the craziest dream ever!"

"Really? What was it"

"N-nothing!" I start to blush

"Ohh okay!"

Naruto's P.O.V.

"i can tell what he was thinking" I thought"I think it is cute when he blushes....sometimes i just want t-to ..."

(Y/n) P.O.V

*Ugh* "i hate blushing around him!!" I thought" AND WHY?? I was hoping that would have been real not just a dream...

"maybe I will this week but i dont know ..."

Naruto's P.O.V

"... Sometimes i just want to marry him and kiss him and ... And .... Ugh ..... I just ... I think that I am going to propose to him ... I don't know but i will be sure tomorrow."I thought.


You are going to bed and said your good nights

"Goodnight Naruto,"you said

"Goodnight (Y/N)" Naruto says

Please comment who you want me to have propose first Naruto or you thanks for reading !! ;D
Sorry that's all i have this time there will hopefully be more in the next XP.

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