Fuckboy signs

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If he keeps you hidden from his friends and others.....

He's a fuckboy.


I do remember dating a guy freshman year. He was a sophmore (Yassss. Ya gurl was getting niggas in the first year), everyone knew him and of course he was cute. 

He asked me out and I said yes, but one of the things I said was "Keep it on the DL" because I'm not that type of person who needs everyone to be in they're bussiness. It's just not me. He agreed. Keep in mind I suggested it, not him. He was so eager to tell everyone though, he wanted to show me off (who wouldn't),  wanted make sure that everyone knew we was...a thing. This all points to genuine guy, not fuckboy sort of stuff. Once he actually yelled in the halls "That's my girl!!!". It all points to a good guy. At the end though, we broke it off, I wasn't happy he wasn't either cause I was not willing to..... yh. The next day I hear he has a new gf........

But because we kept it DL no body bothered me, it did sting that he moved on so quick. But now a-days he's ULTIMATE FUCKBOY!! But yh just wanted to share that......

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