payback time gone wrong

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its two o'clock in the morning and for some reason I can't sleep I look down to see a peacefully sleeping kendall with her legs in my lap I move her lightly so I don't wake her up

I see the TV is still on and spongebob is on and the title for that episode is revenge so I thought of the last time Kendall played with me in a tricky way including the time she made out with me and the modeling thing

oh now its payback time I look around and see kendalls smoothie that she drinks every morning maybe I should make her sleepy or no hyper that's it I'll make her hyper I quickly open her smoothie she made last night for today I pop an ecstasy drug in her smoothie hey don't worry about where I got it just remember its payback time. after I'm done mixing her smoothie I go back to sleep

12 AM

I wake up to see a hyper Kendall bouncing around the place my plan has been taking into action but she's acting more like a 7 year old

"I want ice cream I want ice cream" she yells bouncing around the house she won't seat still

well duhh you drugged her

right damn it

"okay okay let's see what's in the fridge" I say going to the kitchen damn it there's no ice cream

"umm Kendall there's no icecream "

she stomps her feet angrily and yells " I want ice cream"

"ok-" but I was cut off by the doorbell ringing

I open the door to see a lady at the door

"what are you selling Bibles sorry we already have one" I say about to close the door but she speaks

"no I'm Jamie your marriage counselor from vegas remember" she speaks

damn it hyper Kendall back here is acting like she flying

"is this a bad time" she asked

"umm no just give me one second"

"can I come i-" I slam the door in her face and turn to Kendall

"okay Kendall that's the counselor now if you be a good girl I'll get you ice cream"

"I want to go party" I think the drug just changed her age she probably 16 now

"no no party now sit" she sits but pouts

I clean up the place and hide the drug I put in kendalls drink and then I let Jamie in

she sits and asks us question but I answer most of the time due to the condition I put Kendall in

"okay Mr.styles I'm gonna ask Kendall a question if that's okay" she says I nod afraid of kendalls response

"are you happy" she asks Kendall

"no he beats me" she says trying her best to cry I think she 32 now

the lady look at me with shock

"no I don't right honey I don't" I say attempting to holding her

"he says if you don't let me in the bathroom right now I'll piss in your mouth" she says crying

"I'm so scared" she adds

"this will be reported to the courts and here Kendall this is a abused women hotline"

"and as for you Mr.styles get your shit together" she says packing up and leaving I lock the door behind you then I feel a familiar sharp pain on my jawline

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