Chapter 30-1000 Miles

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Another update!!!! Amazing right? Keep voting and commenting, its good motivation to update..... Lol

Ayan's POV(unedited)
Suddenly, there is a loud boom and the building shakes,bits of debris falling from the ceiling.
The general quickly pulls on his clothes and grabs his sword.
I take the opportunity to jump up from the bed,straighten my clothes,then I turn to Malik and he is using the dagger to cut the ropes,I smile but he is too busy to notice. As the general reaches the door, soldiers barge in and I breathe a sigh of relief, they are Jalen soldiers, it means either Yasin or the soldier signalled them!
The captain turns to me,
"Sire,are you fine?" He asks,I nod my head yes.
The General turns to me realising what has happened,
"You stupid traitor!" He shouts at me and turns towards me menacingly, sword in hand,but the soldiers restrain him.
There is a huge commotion and Tigran soldiers come to defend their leader,a scuffle ensues,and by now Malik is free.
The captain tosses him his sword and he jumps into the fight like he wasn't looking weak a few minutes back. He is ruthless, cutting down the enemy, he catches my eye and I gulp in fear! The look he gives me is full of rage and anger. I feel guilt creeping up on me,consuming me,
I gasp in pain and turn my back so that he won't see me crying.
Suddenly, someone grabs my mouth so I won't scream and drags me through the hole in the wall. I can tell its a man though he is wearing a hooded cloak.
He binds my arms and legs so tightly that tears come to my eyes. He gestures for me to move and I try to resist but I feel a dagger poking my side.
I try to look around for anyone but there is too much commotion and confusion, people running everywhere.
He drags me to the back courtyard and forces me to mount a horse,when am on,he blindfolds me and gets behind me.
I feel desperation eating me up, I don't know what is happening, I don't know if my cousin is safe,and Malik!
I think he is angry at me,but what could I do? I had no choice but to let that vile disgusting man tough me to buy us time,it was for you ya rouhi(beloved).
After countless hours of riding, we finally stop and am thrown off the horse. My blindfold is taken off and i blink reacting to the sudden light. We are in some sort of vast desert. I look up to see my captor and I am not surprised at all! Of course its Shafiq!!! He is looking at me smirking evilly and he has a whip in his hand. Oh no! Not the whip! I hear a crack and I feel pain allover. The whip keeps going.... "Crack! Crack! Crack!
I feel welts forming on my skin,the whip is lethal.

Falcon's POV
Me and my army stand outside, behind us a burning trail of destruction and bodies! They just unleashed the beast! The man who would do anything for his people, but would liquidate anything or anyone who harmed his consort.
After the explosion, I couldn't get to him,soldiers poured in and we had to fight. After clearing the room, I see no sign of him. My whole body freezes in fear,I can't imagine what has happened to him! He was here few minutes back. He better not be dead! The darkness I will unleash will be remembered for generations!
I grab my sword and kill without stopping any enemy soldier I meet. I blaze through them like lightening, my soldiers on my trail. I listen to no pleas of mercy,they have dared to harm what I hold most sacred to me! The man i love,my future consort! The man waiting for me to marry him.......
By the time I reach the courtyard, am all bloody and sweaty, till some one stops me,I turn and glare at the captain,
" What? " I growl
"Sire, an eye witness saw someone dragging him into the desert on horse back, there is still hope if we jump on their trail right away" he says with fear
"Good! Summon my army" I say
They are all gathered in front of me.
"How dare you let someone kidnap my consort?" I say
They all fall on their knees,heads bowed,
"Punish us as you see fit sire, we deserve it for failing you" the captain says
"And who let him come?Putting him in danger yet you know how much I love him and would die if anything happened to him!" I say
The captain recounts to me how Ayan persuaded them with my replica sword. I smile inwardly, he is so intelligent and handsome.
"I sentence all of you to thirty days in the dungeon!!!" I say with righteous anger
"As you wish sire" They all reply.
We rest for a bit and mount our horses to begin the search.
I send half the army home,we successfully defeated the enemy.

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