Olivia x Alex

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I had the idea for this story when I was watching the season 6 episode Ghost. I might add a part two to this if you want.


*Alex's POV*

"Hey, its Liv. Open up," I hear the woman on the other side of the door say as Elliot and I exchange a relieved glance at each other. He lowers his gun and opens the door for his partner.

The beautiful woman walks through the door and tells him to go home.

Elliot tells me to get my beauty sleep and he'll be back in the morning to take me to court.

"Night," Liv says as she closes the door.

"You wanna keep playing?" she asks me, indicating to mine and Elliots board game he was beating me at terribly.

"Nah," I reply, looking out the window onto the beautiful city before me, "I wish these windows open," I confess to her.

She just smiles at me, a little confused.

"Wisconsin is so quiet at night. Sometimes when I get homesick I hum the Mister Softee song," I say.

"You making any friends?" Liv questions, with a sad look on her face.

"There's a claims adjuster at the insurance agency I work for," I say, not meeting her eye but smiling softly at the thought of him, "and we've been seeing each other. He's a good man, he thinks I'm from Tulsa," I tell her and she smiles at me with a little bit of some emotion I can't identify in her eyes. Is it hurt? Sadness? Jealousness? No, of course not, Olivia Benson was one of my best friends. Why would this sadden her or make her jealous?

"And, when we're in bed together at night, he whispers my name. Emily," I say, a single tear rolling down my face.

Olivia catches it with her finger and wipes the tear off my face.

"It's hard to be someone that you're not," Olivia whispers, her voice cracking.

"How could you know, Olivia?" I raise my voice a little, feeling defensive.

"For one, I've always hid the fact that I'm attracted to women," she says, not meeting my eyes.

Oh, my fuck. I feel my breathing hitch as I realize what just escaped her mouth. Olivia Benson likes women. I mean, I always had my suspicions about the way I'd seen her look at other women, seen her look at me. But she has looked at men with that same look in her eye, many times.

"Olivia..." I start, not really sure where I wanted this sentence to go.

"Just forget it, this is why I've never told anyone," she sighs.

"Not even El?" I gasp.


"Liv, I wasn't judging. I was just shocked. You've had lots of boyfriends over the years," I tell her.

"Well, I like men too," she stops, almost like she's searching for the right words before she continues, "but none of them keep me interested."

"Oh," I say, looking out the window.

"Have you ever been with a woman?" Olivia asks me, I am suddenly aware of how close we are standing and her hot breath is on my neck.

"I can't say that I have, detective."

"Thats a shame," she whispers in my ear as she turns and walks to the freezer, opening it. I'm almost positive she is in search for some alcohol, and I am correct. She emerges from behind the open door with a bottle of whiskey. The only alcohol in this apartment.

"Care to join me, counselor?" she asks, seductively.

"Well, yes, considering its my whiskey!" I laugh.

She grabs out two glasses and pours them equally full. I don't drink too often these days with a lower stress job so I know this will hit me hard. Olivia suggests we go sit on the balcony and talk.

I sip my whiskey, as does she. I notice she winces when it goes down her throat and make a note of the next time I am drinking with Olivia to get some wine before hand.

We talk about our jobs, the city, how much we miss each other, and we're now on our second glasses. I am beginning to feel a good buzz and I am enjoying the company of the beautiful detective. We are sitting in silence when the words fall out of my mouth, I didn't even realize that I had actually said them until she looked over at me, a little confused.

"What's what like?" Olivia asked.

I suddenly felt shy.

"You know, being with a woman," I say, not looking her in the eyes.

She can tell I'm uncomfortable, but not in a bad way. More of in a anticipation way. She stands up and grabs my arm, forcing me out of my seat and before I know it, her lips are pressed to mine.

I am initially shocked at how bold she is. At first I resist her kiss but then I realize, this is what I wanted all along. Asking her all those questions, being borderline flirty with her, trying to drink up the courage to do to her exactly what she is doing to me now.

I put my hands in her shoulder length caramel colored hair and I open my mouth to her. Her tongue grazes over my teeth and is met with mine. I battle her for dominance. Her hands find their way to my waist and I tug on her hair with one hand, causing her to moan in my mouth. It effects me in a way I never thought possible, it traveled right between my legs and I feel myself getting more aroused as she sucks my bottom lip into her mouth and bites gently. We break our kiss when oxygen becomes a necessity and I can't control my breathing.

"Well, would you like to find out?" Olivia whispers in my ear as she takes my hand and leads me toward the bedroom.

If y'all want to see a part 2, comment and vote! 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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