(FWT) #3: Overdose

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Summary: September 23rd was the date that five turned to four, which Louis lost his favorite little brother and Niall lost his twin. In the night of September 23rd, the family collapsed.


Niall awoke with a start. He looked around and saw Harry, flinching and curling up in his sleep, moaning loudly. It scared the small four year old. He rushed over towards his twin, tried to touch him, but got scared.

Never before had Harry looked so pale, in so much pain and so sick. Niall didn't like this, no he hated this, it made him feel queasy himself, made him want to curl up and cry, because that right there, was his second half, was his twin, was his Hazzy.

"Wait one second..." Niall muttered and rushed towards Louis' room. He knew Hazzy always wanted Louis. He always cuddled with him. Louis was magical like that, he knew what Hazzy needed and right now he had to put his magic to good use and make him feel better.

"Lou! Louis!" Niall shouted sounding quite panicked, "Hazzy is icky!" He shook his brother who shot out of bed, rushing past Niall, making the younger fall over and onto his bum.

That night Harry was rushed to the hospital. Niall didn't want to stay home, wanted to come, so Zayn and Liam joined their parents and Louis.

Niall was curled up on Liam's lap, heart hammering in his chest, blue eyes wide and staring at the large white doors where the doctors had taken Harry to. Niall felt so alone, felt like something in him was breaking off. Not his chest like before, but something bigger, something was tearing at him and causing him pain like never before.

"Hazzy is leaving me..." He whimpered and curled closer to Liam, the older boy not able to contain his tears either.

There had always been an odd connection between Harry and Niall. They weren't attached at the hip like most twins, but they knew when the other was in trouble, when the other was hurt. The connection was there and seeing Niall break in front of him scared Liam.

"Shut up Niall... Harry is going to be fine." Louis grumbled, hair sticking up in every direction, big sweater thrown over his bare torso and light blue pajama pants adorning his lanky legs.

Niall whimpered once more and shook his head, biting his lip. Niall knew something was wrong. If he felt so sick and alone, that meant something was wrong. Niall had never felt like this before, had never been so... hurt.

"Don't swear at him. He's only four." Zayn growled, sitting between Liam and Louis, acting as a buffer, but it was clear that he was quite nervous himself, leg bouncing constantly. He'd run his hands through his hair sighing and then motioning as though to get up, only to slump back in the uncomfortable chair.

Louis was about to retaliate, when Niall screamed out, tears rushing down his cheeks, clutching at his chest, right where his heart was. The small boy begged and begged for the pain to end, wanted someone to understand.

All three boys looked at the small child on Liam's lap, for the first time speechless.

None of them knew why Niall was like this, why he was screaming and begging for the pain to end. It was the scariest thing they'd witnessed, but moments later they knew why. They knew what had happened, because John and Nick came out from the doors, faces pale and completely shaken.

Louis got up, "How is he?" He asked, desperately trying to keep the tears at bay, but it was futile.

September 23rd was the date that five turned to four, which Louis lost his favorite little brother and Niall lost his twin. In the night of September 23rd, the family collapsed.

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